Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.
To conduct a feasibility study of a multi-media catalogue envisaged as a publication listing film strips, tape recordings and other non-book materials.
Main Topics:
Variables A record is made of institutions' two main sources of audio-visual aid material, other than the British National Film Catalogue. A list of 24 types of materials is given (e.g. 35 mm film cassettes, videotapes, maps, etc.) and respondents are asked to mark off on a prepared grid whether their institutions keep/borrow/do not use each type of material listed, and also to record place material is kept - e.g. library. (If material is both kept and borrowed, respondents are asked to state this). Data also include: who controls materials used - teachers, librarian, administrative staff etc., where material is recorded (3 categories), completeness of information recorded (3-point scale), how recorded (i.e. by author, title or subject), whether there is subject access, if so, whether by classification scheme, word arrangement or other and whether this arrangement is on shelf, in list or on cards. Whether the user's attention is drawn particularly to this material, if so, how. Finally, whether there is any one material that respondent finds unduly difficult to obtain (he is asked to specify). Intensity of use and by whom materials selected are also recorded.
No sampling (total universe)
total of paid-up members of sub-section
Postal survey