Anansi Masters - Aruba H01 - Emerencia, Emerita - Ananse and the wisdom of the world


Ananse and the wisdom of the world told by Emerita Emerencia, recorded on video for the Anansi Masters project on Aruba.Subject: There is always someone who is more clever than you are.Description: Ananse tries to keep all wisdom to himself until he realizes that his own son has an idea that he himself did not have.Content: Ananse receives from Nyame, the skygod, a pot with all wisdom. Ananse wants to keep the wisdom to himself and finds a high tree to hide the pot in. He ties the pot in front of his belly and starts to climb. But he can't succeed. Then his son Kuma advices to tie the pot on his back. It makes Ananse realize that not all wisdom is in the pot. Angrily he smashes the pot to the ground and the wisdom can be divided between men and animals.About Anansi Masters: The Anansi Masters project is developed by Vista Far Reaching Visuals (Mr. Jean Hellwig) and partners. It is designed as a public digital platform at and opened in 2007. At the website one can find information about the story character of Nanzi (or Anansi or Kweku Ananse), with English and Dutch subtitled video recordings of storytelling in several countries in different languages, educational modules about storytelling for use at schools and academies, and digital issues of the Anansi Masters Journal published since the beginning of the project. All storytelling videos are also published on Youtube.The stories of the Anansi tradition originate in Africa and were exported to other parts of the world through slave trade and migration. In Anansi Masters, the similarities and differences between the stories and storytellers, who tell in their own language, can be found. Anansi Masters initiates different activities all over the world where stories from this oral tradition can be found. The founder has the ambition to film as many stories from this tradition as possible in as many countries as possible. Anansi Masters collaborates with writers, theatre makers, filmmakers, researchers, schools and of course with many many storytellers.This dataset contains:- the video recording of the storytelling with English subtitles- the video recording of the storytelling with Dutch subtitles- the video recording of the short interview with the storyteller with English subtitles- the video recording of the short interview with the storyteller with Dutch subtitles- a text datasheet with information about the stortyteller and story in English and Dutch

Date Submitted: 2012-12-12

Metadata Access
Creator JC Hellwig
Publisher DANS Data Station Social Sciences and Humanities
Contributor J.C. Hellwig; JC Hellwig (Hellwig Productions AV / Vista Far Reaching Visuals Foundation)
Publication Year 2012
Rights CC0 1.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/restrictedAccess;
OpenAccess false
Contact J.C. Hellwig (Hellwig Productions Audiovisuals / Vista Far Reaching Visuals Foundation)
Resource Type Dataset
Format application/rtf; application/zip
Size 128299; 27887
Version 1.0
Discipline Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture; Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture and Veterinary Medicine; Humanities; Life Sciences; Social Sciences; Social and Behavioural Sciences; Soil Sciences