Age determination from microcharcoal of surface ocean sediments offshore Africa
Further fundings: CAMPFIRE Climate Change Initiative (CCI) Fire_cci Project, Award: 4000126706/19/I-NB -
Emission Observatory dynamic data storage
A dynamic data storage containing the atmospheric concentration/and or emission map data presented in the Emission Observatory website (https://www.emissionobservatory.org). The... -
Plio-Pleistocene planktonic foraminifer Globigerinoides ruber stable oxygen a...
Here we present stable carbon and oxygen isotope data of the surface-dwelling planktonic foraminifer Globigerinoides ruber (white), sensu stricto, from ODP site 967. The records... -
Kehitysyhteistyötutkimus 2001
Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin suomalaisten asenteita Suomen kehitysyhteistyön linjauksiin ja toteutukseen sekä suomalaisten tietoja kehitysyhteistyöstä. Vastaajilta kysyttiin,... -
The MedAfriCarbon radiocarbon database and web application. Archaeological dy...
MedAfriCarbon radiocarbon database and web app are outcomes of the MedAfrica Project —Archaeological deep history and dynamics of Mediterranean Africa, ca. 9600-700 BC. The... -
The genetics of East African populations: a Nilo-Saharan component in the Afr...
Includes Supplementary Figures S1-S13, Supplementary Tables S1-S8 and Supplementary Methods. Suppl. Fig. S1: Principal component analysis of the new populations genotyped from... -
Crop Indicators: Sorghum_S
Crop water need: Let ET0i be the daily potential evapotranspiration [mm] for day i, and Kc(pl,ph) the crop factor per plant pl and phase ph, and s(pl,ph) and e(pl,ph) the... -
Extremely Wet Days (r99p)
cdo -yearpctl,99 RR.nc -yearmin RR.nc -yearmax RR.nc out.nc Annual threshold for extreme heavy precipitation: Let RRt be the daily precipitation amount on day t. For r99p list... -
Remote Sensing Indicators: Forest Cover
Predicted monthly forest cover dataset in a spatial resolution of 1 x 1 km based on MODIS and AVHRR datasets. For predicting the retrospective forest cover values the STARFM... -
Highest 1-day Precipitation (rx1day)
cdo -yearmax RR.nc out.nc Highest single day precipitation: Let RRt be the daily precipitation amount on day t. For rx1day search the maximum value of RRt in one year. Climate... -
Climate Indicators: Total Precipitation in Rainy Season (rtotrs)
cdo -yearsum -ifthen -gec,1 RRmask.nc RRmask.nc out.nc Annual precipitation sum in rainy season: Let RRt be the daily precipitation amount on day t. For Rtotrs sum up RRt for... -
Crop Indicators: Soybean_L
Crop water need: Let ET0i be the daily potential evapotranspiration [mm] for day i, and Kc(pl,ph) the crop factor per plant pl and phase ph, and s(pl,ph) and e(pl,ph) the... -
Water Availability (wa)
Water balance: Let ETi be the daily actual evapotranspiration [mm] (calculated by the daily surface latent heat flux) then WA is the daily average of the difference of the daily... -
Crop Indicators: Maize_grain_L
Crop water need: Let ET0i be the daily potential evapotranspiration [mm] for day i, and Kc(pl,ph) the crop factor per plant pl and phase ph, and s(pl,ph) and e(pl,ph) the... -
Climate Indicators: Highest 1-day Precipitation (rx1day)
cdo -yearmax RR.nc out.nc Highest single day precipitation: Let RRt be the daily precipitation amount on day t. For Rx1day search the maximum value of RRt in one year. Climate... -
Rainy Season Characterisitics (rs)
Rainy season: The onset is set as the cumulative minimum of daily precipitation anomalies over a year, the cessation is defined by the cumulative maximum. If a grid point is... -
Climate Indicators: Heat Wave Duration Index (hwdi)
cdo -eca_hwdi TX.nc -ydrunmean,5 TXref.nc out.nc Duration of Heat Wave: Let TXt be the daily maximum temperature on day t and TX’t be the climatological average of a running 5... -
Climate Indicators: Extremely Wet Days (r99p)
cdo -yearpctl,99 RR.nc -yearmin RR.nc -yearmax RR.nc out.nc Annual threshold for extreme heavy precipitation: Let RRt be the daily precipitation amount on day t. For R99p list... -
Rainy Days in Rainy Season (rdrs)
cdo -yearsum -gec,1 RRmask.nc out.nc Number of rainy days in rainy season: Let RRt be the daily precipitation amount on day t. For rdrs count all days in one year where RRt ≥... -
Crop Water Need (cwn)
Crop water need: Let ET0i be the daily potential evapotranspiration [mm] for day i, and Kc(pl,ph) the crop factor per plant pl and phase ph, and s(pl,ph) and e(pl,ph) the...