Trend study of changes in general opinions and attitudes of ( parts of ) the Dutch population / willingness to offer income for a shorter working week / job satisfaction, worries, future/ satisfaction with education / satisfaction with present life / importance of and satisfaction with work and leisure / media exposure concerning news and politics / average time of watching tv / subscription to a national newspaper / idea of what welfare means / present welfare in the Netherlands and in own family / opinion about borrowing money from a bank and about payment by instalments / satisfaction with present society in the Netherlands / government should have more or less money to finance public facilities / measures of government concerning facilities for pupils who have difficulties making their homework at home/ study grants for children from low income groups / good and cheap housing / minimum wages / free education until 18 / pollution / compulsory education until 18 / subsidies for art / day nurseries for children from working mothers / various taxes / government spendings should increase or decrease / personal life worries/ fears/ enough leisure/ feelings of loneliness and senselessness / measures for commercial organizations making losses / firing personnel/ firing management/ cutting down wages/ state aid / satisfaction with housing/ health/ happiness/ marriage/ education/ income/ social securities / opinions about maximum wages/ abuse of social benefits/ income differences/ property differences/ participation of labourers in management / not being entitled to financial aid/ work with future/ as much education as wanted/ comfortable housing situation / one has to be free to demonstrate/ criticize royal family/ strike for wages/ refuse military service/ squat buildings for a just cause/ freedom of speech and press / view of life / religion and political and social organizations / most important things in life / society transparency/ information about duties and rights/ just treatment / most important problems in society / energy problem and measures for economization / participation in educational system and in local and provincial politics / opinions on differences in social status/ emancipation of labour class/ abortion/ emancipation of women/ work, leisure/ forced measures of government concerning energy economization/ taxes/ ways of protesting / type of person that should get a house first, should be fired first, should be promoted first: married, unmarried/ foreigner, Dutch/ young, old/ man, woman/ someone from Surinam or Holland/ white, non-white/ big family, small family / attitudes on man and society / political interest, preference, participation / membership of union / working mothers / euthanasia / non-whites as neighbours / politics mainly a man's business / again personal feelings and behaviour worries, happiness, temper, nightmares, coping with problems, decision making/ boasting, being polite, gossiping, talking about something without knowledge, opinions about other people, answering personal letters, declaring goods at border. Background variables: basic characteristics/ place of birth/ residence/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ social class/ politics/ religion/ readership, mass media, and 'cultural' exposure/ organizational membership.The data- and documentation files of this dataset can be downloaded via the option Data Files.
Het Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau (SCP) voert sinds 1975 (twee)jaarlijks het onderzoek Culturele Veranderingen in Nederland uit. De reeks bestaat inmiddels uit 30 onderzoeken en bevat zo’n 3500 variabelen en gegevens over meer dan 50.000 respondenten.De onderzoeken Culturele Veranderingen in Nederland (CV) en SCP Leefsituatie Index (SLI) worden sinds 2004 tweejaarlijks gecombineerd uitgevoerd in samenwerking door het Sociaal Cultureel Planbureau (SCP) en het Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS).Doel van CV is vaststellen welke opvattingen “de Nederlander” heeft over samenleving en cultuur en hoe deze in de loop van de tijd zijn veranderd. Doel van SLI is het ontwikkelen van een indicator om de sociale leefsituatie van Nederland in kaart te brengen en het monitoren van de ontwikkeling van de sociale leefsituatie van de Nederlandse bevolking.De onderzoeken liggen aan de basis van veel onderzoek uit het werkprogramma van het SCP. Door het CBS zullen de data vooral worden gebruikt ten behoeve van het speerpunt Sociale Samenhang.