Excavation archive of the Tell Deir Alla project, Jordan - Paper Archive
The archive of the Tell Deir Alla project originates from the archaeological excavations in the East Jordan Valley from 1960-2009. By organisation and goals it should be divided... -
Corpus of Economic News (CEN) contains 797 documents from Polish Wikipedia annotated with 65 categories of proper names in ccl format.... -
Slovene Public Opinion Survey 2003/2:
Raziskava je namenjena izvedbi dveh blokov iz mednarodne ankete ISSP, sklop o družini in sklop o narodni identiteti. Dodan pa je še sklop vprašanj, ki ugotavljajo stališča o... -
Excavation archive of the Tell Deir Alla project, Jordan - Negatives
The archive of the Tell Deir Alla project originates from the archaeological excavations in the East Jordan Valley from 1960-2009. By organisation and goals it should be divided... -
Excavation archive of the Tell Deir Alla project, Jordan - Slides
The archive of the Tell Deir Alla project originates from the archaeological excavations in the East Jordan Valley from 1960-2009. By organisation and goals it should be divided... -
Nastajajoče oblike sodelovanja med organizacijami zasebnega sektorja in visok...
Program EMCOSU (Emerging Modes of Cooperation between Private Sector Organisations and Universities) krepi povezavo med aktivnostmi izobraževanja in potrebami po zaposljivosti... -
Dutch Parliamentary Election Study 1972-1973 (DPES/NKO 1972-1973)
To collect data on political opinions and attitudes of Dutch citizens who have the right to vote. Data were collected in order to enlarge insight into characteristics of the... -
Excavation archive of the Tell Hammeh project, Jordan - Paper Archive
The archive of the Tell Deir Alla project originates from the archaeological excavations in the East Jordan Valley from 1960-2009. By organisation and goals it should be divided... -
COROP data Nederland 1988
To provide key data at COROP level for the period 1970-1980. This nucleus is part of a European project to provide such data for a number of countries. As part of the European... -
Levensomstandigheden in een arme stadswijk van Jakarta 1981
Socio-economic and demographic analysis of a Jakarta neighbourhood. Family composition / socio-economic condition: income, education and schooling, expenditure on food,... -
Annual data on economic and military characteristics of 78 nations, 1948-1983
An empirical basis for the Sire model: simulation of international relations for Europe. Statistics of 78 countries for each year during the period of 1948-1983: consumer price... -
Verlegde lijnen 1946,1950,1954,1958,1962 : De herstrukturering van het op Ind...
The restructuring of networks of interlocking directorships of Dutch companies oriented towards Indonesia. Study is part of research project regarding the political and... -
Kenmerken en achtergronden van de WW-aanvrager PES 2/7 1992-1994
PES-2/7 ( Project Evaluatie Stelselherziening / Evaluation of the revision of the Dutch social security system ) investigates the position of clients of the Unemployment... -
Veranderingen in het sportgedrag als gevolg van bezuinigingen in gezinnen 198...
Monitoring the change in sporting behaviour due to economizing within families. Financial situation in family / active participation in ( physical ) sports / membership of... -
Prijzen van voedingsmiddelen in de 19e eeuw, 1972-1973
Material on living conditions of the working class in the 19th century. Prices of food products. Week, month and year prices / indexes / weights of products / measures of... -
Interaction and national data on the European system 1945-1980 (INDES )
Studying interaction of political and economical processes within and between countries and their influence on international relations since world war II. National file:... -
Niet-gebruik van de Toeslagenwet 1991
Non-use of additional social benefits law. People who receive social security benefits, whose income is below a 'social minimum' can appeal to the law on additional social... -
Inkomens-ongelijkheid en rechtvaardigingskriteria 1976
Criteria for justification of income differences. Job characteristics / satisfaction with income / income distribution / minimum and maximum wages / subsidy arrangements /... -
Technologie en samenleving 1975 : De toepassing van kernenergie
Attitude towards the use of nuclear energy / communication patterns / information / attitude to economic growth, to technological developments, social developments, scientific... -
Winst onderzoek 1969
Attitude towards profit making by private enterprises and other organizations / influence of profit on salaries and employment / share and use of profit. Background variables:...