Raziskava sodi v sklop rednih mesečnih telefonskih anket, namenjenih spremljanju zadovoljstva z delom vlade in ocenjevanja razmer v državi. Raziskava meri tudi odnos slovenske javnosti do institucij sistema ter strankarske preference. Aktualni bloki tega leta so vključevali vprašanja o izbrisanih, o spomeniku sprave, o umiku Titovega imena iz javnosti, o mariborski univerzijadi, o aferi Ultra, o odnosu do podpore aktualnega in bivšega predsednika republike predsedniku vlade in vprašanja o naklonjenosti arbitražnemu sporazumu.
Survey is part of monthly telephone surveys, designed for measuring satisfaction with the work of Slovene government and evaluation of work of government institutions. Survey measures relation of Slovene public towards the system institutions and its party preferences. Monthly surveys included questions on erased, on the monument to reconciliation, on the withdrawal of Tito's name from the public and the Maribor Universiade. The surveys also included questions on the issue of Ultra affair and on the support of current and former President of the Republic to the Prime Minister, and questions about arbitration agreement.
Verjetnostno: večstopenjskoProbability.Multistage
Probability: MultistageProbability.Multistage
Telefonski intervju: CATIInterview.Telephone.CATI
Telephone interview: Computer-assisted (CATI)Interview.Telephone.CATI