NEID and HIRES radial velocity of TOI-1478


The distribution of spin-orbit angles for systems with wide-separation, tidally detached exoplanets offers a unique constraint on the prevalence of dynamically violent planetary evolution histories. Tidally detached planets provide a relatively unbiased view of the primordial stellar obliquity distribution, as they cannot tidally realign within the system lifetime. We present the third result from our Stellar Obliquities in Long-period Exoplanet Systems (SOLES) survey: a measurement of the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect across two transits of the tidally detached warm Jupiter TOI-1478b with the WIYN/NEID and Keck/HIRES spectrographs, revealing a sky-projected spin-orbit angle {lambda}=6.2_-5.5_^+5.9^deg. Combining this new measurement with the full set of archival obliquity measurements, including two previous constraints from the SOLES survey, we demonstrate that, in single-star systems, tidally detached warm Jupiters are preferentially more aligned than closer-orbiting hot Jupiters. This finding has two key implications: (1) planets in single-star systems tend to form within aligned protoplanetary disks, and (2) warm Jupiters form more quiescently than hot Jupiters, which, in single-star systems, are likely perturbed into a misaligned state through planet-planet interactions in the post-disk-dispersal phase. We also find that lower-mass Saturns span a wide range of spin-orbit angles, suggesting a prevalence of planet-planet scattering and/or secular mechanisms in these systems.

Cone search capability for table J/AJ/164/104/table4 (Parameters for the population of warm Jupiters, hot Jupiters, and Saturns studied in this work)

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Metadata Access
Creator Rice M.; Wang S.; Wang X.-Y.; Stefansson G.; Isaacson H.; Howard A.W.,Logsdon S.E.; Schweiker H.; Dai F.; Brinkman C.; Giacalone S.; Holcomb R.
Publisher CDS
Publication Year 2022
OpenAccess true
Contact CDS support team <cds-question(at)>
Resource Type Dataset; AstroObjects
Discipline Astrophysics and Astronomy; Exoplanet Astronomy; Galactic and extragalactic Astronomy; Interdisciplinary Astronomy; Natural Sciences; Observational Astronomy; Physics; Stellar Astronomy