Präventionsmassnahmen im Freiheitsentzug COVID-19 - Fragebogen (reduziert)


The period from the outbreak of the first Covid19 diseases in China to the epidemic in Italy and currently also the drastically increasing number of reports of infected people in Switzerland lasted only 8 weeks. As a consequence, public life was drastically reduced, schools were closed and employees were recommended or ordered to work in their home office. One basis for these preventive measures was a high degree of flexibility of each individual and alternative forms of work and also alternate forms of care in society. Nevertheless, there are institutions that are reaching their limits and are neither able to maintain physical distance nor couldn’t work without their employees. These are institutions with a governmental mandate, whose clients are in a total system, the coercive context in mandated settings. In particular, these are institutions of the prison system, therapy facilities, as well as care facilities for children and young people. Here, on the one hand, the possibilities of living in a distance are drastically restricted, the employees must already be on site due to the security aspect, and the possibilities for information and communication are also classically handled restrictively. In addition, these are per se vulnerable groups because of infectious diseases such as hepatitis and HIV occur 9 times more frequently than in the overall population (Getaz 2019). In order to stop the epidemic, actually work opportunities have to be stopped for the inmates/clients, visits are forbidden and educational and leisure activities are nearly restricted. Furthermore, in particular, holidays and releases are suspended and pandemic containment plans are applied if necessary. However, it is not clear what these plans are (Amt für Justizvollzug 2020). Therapy talks and preparations for release are also restricted, which hinders the new admission of new persons due to capacity reasons. Nevertheless, the institutions of the justice system and of care in the area of children and young people have a duty of care and the statutory mandate to adapt life in a coercive context to the conditions in freedom, including the health care. (StGB Art. 75). The questions that arise are as follows: • How can prevention measures be implemented in closed coercive contexts? • How can health care be guaranteed with regard to Covid19 in coercive contexts? and: Which particular challenges arise from the specific clients who are described as a high risk group of persons with pre-ilnesses and psychological problems? • How is the right to information and the right to contact clients/residents implemented during the phase of exclusion and additional preventive restrictions? In order to answer these questions, several institutions of mandatory context, will be examined in more detail by means of qualitative interviews with employees from: prisons, youth housing and therapy facilities as well as residential and work externalities. In addition, leaders of the Concordats and the offices of correctional services will be included. The aim of the study is to find out which strategies and measures have proven to be helpful in dealing with pandemics and crisis situations, so they can be managed better in the future and the repertoire of action can be expanded by identifying problem areas from a scientific perspective across institutions and cantons in order to recommend best practice. The questions relate to three sub-areas of the call for proposals: - Management of Covid19 Desease – (in coercive contexts) - Infection prevention, including protection of the employees (and the clients) - Impact of the (social) media communication

Metadata Access
Creator Wegel, Melanie
Publisher FORS
Publication Year 2021
Rights Restrictions supplémentaires: Recherche académique uniquement; Zusätzliche Einschränkungen: Nur für akademische Forschung; Additional Restrictions: Academic research only; Permission spéciale: Accord préalable de l'auteur·trice; Sondergenehmigung: Nach vorheriger Zustimmung des Autors; Special permission: With prior agreement of author
OpenAccess true
Discipline Jurisprudence; Law; Social and Behavioural Sciences
Spatial Coverage Europe; Europa; Europe; Suisse; Schweiz; Switzerland; Europe occidentale; Westeuropa; Western Europe