INNWIND.EU scaled experiments of the OC4-DeepCwind semi-submersible


A floating wind test campaign was conducted within INNWIND.EU at LHEEA Nantes/France in 2014. The tested model is the OC4-DeepCwind semi-submersible in a scale of 1:45. The scaled 5MW rotor has re-designed blades with large chord to yield the Froude-scaled thrust force. In order to test also a 10MW system, wind/wave conditions of a scaling ratio of 1:60 were tested, with an adjusted rotor speed and blade pitch angle. The scaled model was modified in order to compensate the excess nacelle mass (due to actuators) by placing ballast underneath the original keel depth.

An overview of the experimentally measured test cases and information about the model parameters deployed in the simulations can be found in the Excel-file "000_DataIndex_INNWIND_ECN1409_shortened.xlsx". The corresponding data files (Matlab binary format) can be found in the directory "ECN1409". Information on the sensors can be found in INNWIND.EU D4.24, Section 2.10. The filenames follow the convention to contain parameter names and their values with the decimal point replaced by "d". A reference set of input parameters for the USTUTT low-order simulation model SLOW is also given in the excel file. All parameters can be found in D4.24. The SLOW input data is without further explanation and included as a complementary reference.

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Metadata Access
Creator Lemmer, Frank ORCID logo; Azcona, José ORCID logo; Bredmose, Henrik ORCID logo; Borisade, Friedemann; Campagnolo, Filippo ORCID logo; Heilskov, Nicolai Francis; Kaufer, Daniel; Kim, Yusik ORCID logo; Klein, Levin ORCID logo; Koch, Christian; Lutz, Thorsten; Manjock, Andreas; Manolas, Dimitris; Robertson, Amy; Jonkman, Jason ORCID logo; Wendt, Fabian ORCID logo; Vittori, Felipe; Voutsinas, Spyros
Publisher DaRUS
Contributor Lemmer, Frank
Publication Year 2020
Funding Reference European Commission info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/EC/FP7/308974
Rights CC BY 4.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Contact Lemmer, Frank (Universität Stuttgart)
Resource Type experimental data; Dataset
Format application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet; application/matlab-mat; text/csv
Size 42044; 66879210; 67402821; 68416783; 68222507; 8415905; 68209489; 9689200; 79646772; 79774756; 79522051; 80130067; 80065749; 75625697; 80201791; 80115121; 81245959; 15439990; 8350477; 8289259; 11735533; 11717180; 11704904; 16277101; 931784; 6856212; 6894338; 6832911; 6855783; 13541714; 13158643; 1520903; 13771509; 13336490; 1597828; 14148703; 19132925; 3176209; 19011717; 1161737; 705027; 3318196; 3203965; 20313208; 21365520; 10773930; 16378292; 16282960; 16269133; 16361361; 16399153; 16409115; 16663313; 2124763; 2180750; 2339278; 3161524; 1730054; 4955887; 19415377; 19445992; 19627367; 19703792; 19949487; 2553445; 843611; 855203; 838770; 16133529; 16180922; 15954430; 16177811; 16088924; 16247100; 16227789; 16238001; 16215816; 3376434; 1956333; 79946941; 80451765; 1497155; 186775; 324984; 576729; 6883332; 6783180; 6912749; 6172259; 24326069; 24473072; 23213164; 24741377; 24854893; 80198714; 24205907; 24240909; 24421021; 24450050; 40150112; 40233445; 40527781; 40565268; 79587603; 80127170; 80776700; 76453912; 39621412; 24178496; 24143230; 24398865; 24432044; 24214904; 24289096; 24540485; 24717675; 24231207; 24332815; 24533973; 3082486; 80225283; 80253798; 80494333; 68893385; 68969052; 79700358; 79826944; 80732741; 81179151; 2517; 8447
Version 1.0
Discipline Construction Engineering and Architecture; Engineering; Engineering Sciences
Spatial Coverage Nantes, France