Enega od najpomembnejših vidikov raziskovanja socialnih omrežij predstavlja povezava s širokim področjem socialne opore, tako na področju mentalnega kot fizičnega zdravja in socialno intervencijskih programov (od družine do širše skupnosti ter delovnega mesta in šole). Na tem področju je mogoče raziskovati strukturo in način delovanja neformalnih omrežij socialne opore ljudi – na koga se ljudje obračajo kadar so v stiski (na primer v čustveno stresnih situacijah, kot je na primer smrt bližnjega družinskega člana, v primeru hujše bolezni ipd.), kakšne posledice imajo te interakcije za njihovo zdravje in splošno dobro počutje, kateri dejavniki na to vplivajo. Prav tako je mogoče raziskovati stopnjo zadovoljstva ljudi s socialno oporo in kateri dejavniki na to vplivajo. Na osnovi tovrstnih rezultatov je možno načrtovati različne konkretne programe socialne pomoči. Cilj raziskave je bil s podatki na obsežnem reprezentativnem vzorcu preučiti značilnosti omrežij neformalne socialne opore (kakšna je njihova velikost in struktura, značilnosti relacij znotraj teh omrežij - bližina, pogostost stikov ipd.) prebivalcev Slovenije, tako na splošno kot po nekaterih ključnih demografskih značilnostih (npr., spol, starost, izobrazba). Poseben poudarek je bil dan na preučevanju omrežij socialne opore ranljivih družbenih skupin, kot so revni, starejši, gibalno ovirani. V raziskavi je bila preučevana tudi uporaba in pomembnost formalnih virov socialne opore. Rezultati raziskave o omrežjih socialne opore so uporabni kot osnova za boljše organiziranje novih, alternativnih in dopolnilnih oblik pomoči s strani državnih ali nevladnih institucij, ki že obstoječo oporo dopolnjujejo in nadgrajujejo ali jo poskušajo nadomestiti v primerih, kjer ta opora ne obstaja ali je povsem neustrezna. Še posebej to velja za specifične skupine prebivalstva, ki takšno pomoč najbolj potrebujejo (starejši prebivalci, invalidne osebe, družine s predšolskimi otroki ipd.).
One of the most important aspects of a research of social networks represents a link with wide scope of social support, both in the field of mental and physical health and in social intervention programs (from family to wider community and workplace and school). Here it is possible to explore the structure and functioning of informal networks of social support of people – questions like who to turn to when they are in distress (such as emotional stress situations, as is the death of a close family member and in case of serious illness, etc.). Additionally we can explore implications of this interaction for their health and general well-being. It is also possible to explore the degree of satisfaction of people with social support and factors that influence this trend. Based on these results, it is possible to plan various concrete social support programs. The aim of the research was to examine (on a representative sample) the characteristics of informal social support networks of people in Slovenia. To find out what is their size and structure, the nature of relationships within these networks - proximity, frequency of contact, etc. Characteristics of informal social support networks in general and certain key demographic characteristics are surveyed (e.g.: gender, age, education). Special emphasis has been placed on the study of networks social support of vulnerable groups, such as the poor, elderly, physically obstructed. The use and importance of formal sources of social support were also studied. Results of such research on social are useful as a basis for better organization of new, alternative and complementary forms of support by state and non-governmental institutions. This is useful for specific group’s population most in need of such assistance (elderly, disabled, families with pre-school children, etc.).
Verjetnostno: stratificirano: proporcionalnoProbability.Stratified.Proportional
Probability: Stratified: ProportionalProbability.Stratified.Proportional
Telefonski intervju: CATIInterview.Telephone.CATI
Telephone interview: Computer-assisted (CATI)Interview.Telephone.CATI