The special survey for June 2000 consists of 2 clearly separated parts: -> household-related, i.e. on the A-sheet there are the (slightly shortened) standard questions of the Erweiterte Wohnungserhebung (extended housing survey) and the Energieeinsatz der Household (use of energy of the households). -> person-related, i.e. on the B-sheet there are a smaller number of questions on Übergang von der Ausbildung zur Erwerbstätigkeit (transition from education to professional life), they are only posed to a restricted target group (persons from the age of 15 to 34) Prior to these questions on sheet B there are two questions from the labour force survey program (duration of job seeking, limited duration of employment) which have to be asked quarterly for the EU and the Office for Statistics EUROSTAT. The questions from the extended housing survey are included in the program because they are the pre-requirements for the question on the use of energy; statements on the existence of parking spaces in garage or a car park and their costs are needed for the national accounts (calculation of the gross domestic product GDP). The questions on the use of energy of the households have been posed for nearly 30 years although the former term was Energieverbrauch (energy consumption). The changing of the title was necessary for the adaptation to the terminology used in the whole energy statistic. The results are of great importance for the energy balances and for planning measures in the energy sector. They are also important for environmental statistics since they are relevant for the calculation of emissions and they are used for numerous other purposes (for instance by the economy). The results are also used for several EU-projects but national purposes have priority. The second and larger part of the program, i.e. the survey on the transition from education to professional life however, is conducted because it is mandatory for EU member states. This survey gives important information on the successful or unsuccessful integration into employment of school or university graduates. Thereby, it also offers information on the benefits of different school types and the connection between the educational background of the parents and their children. The target group are people from the age of 15 to 34. The data sets of the surveys labour force survey in March 2000 and transition from education to professional life in June 2000 were merged for 7/8 of the interviewees. Missing data from the labour force survey for the new interviewees from June (1/8) were imputed.
Probability: Stratified: Disproportional
Face-to-face interview