Instances used in the computational experiment of the paper: Heuristic and metaheuristic procedures for the buffer sizing problem in Parallel Assembly Lines Balancing Problem with multi-line workstations and different cycle times.
This research paper focuses on the buffer sizing problem in the parallel assembly lines balancing problem with multiline workstations (PALBP) and lines with different cycle times. This paper presents different non-exact procedures to solve the buffer sizing problem in the PALBP with lines with different cycle times in a viable computation time. A computational experiment was carried out to evaluate the performance of the proposed procedures.
Due to the novelty of the problem to be solved, to carry out the computational experiment, 120 instances have been generated from 8 precedence graphs.
The files attached here contain all the instances used in the computational experiment. Each instance contains the necessary data to be executed.
120 instances data of the buffer sizing problem in the PALBP with multi-line workstations and lines with different cycle times. The instances are divided in 4 sets according their precedence graphs.