LAMOST study, masses & ages of 823 TTauri stars

We present a spectroscopic analysis of TTauri stars (TTSs) observed with the wide-field multifiber spectrograph LAMOST in the substellar associations Ori OB1a located in the Orion Star-forming Complex. Based on GAIA-DR3 data, we selected stars with proper motions and parallaxes expected for TTSs belonging to the young association. We perform a spectroscopic analysis to obtain the spectral types and measure the equivalent widths of LiI and H{alpha} to confirm the youth of the stars and estimate the accretion status. We also estimate extinctions, masses, and ages for the studied sample. Out of 342 TTSs with spectroscopic and kinematic properties indicating their membership of the subassociation, 2 are reported here for the first time. Finally, we detect four stellar kinematic groups located at different distances, two in the north fields and two in the south field. These groups also show different proper motions. This suggests that the star-forming scenario in this region is more complex than the traditional spatial-temporal scenario, in which a generation of stars triggers the formation of a new spatially differentiated generation of stars.

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Creator Hernandez J.; Zamudio L.F.; Briceno C.; Calvet N.; Zhu Z.; Yuan H.,Liu X.; Manzo-Martinez E.; Roman-Zuniga C.G.; Serna J.; Mauco K.,Adame L.
Publisher CDS
Publication Year 2023
OpenAccess true
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Resource Type Dataset; AstroObjects
Discipline Astrophysics and Astronomy; Interdisciplinary Astronomy; Natural Sciences; Observational Astronomy; Physics; Stellar Astronomy