The dataset shows the experimental data provided in the main text and supporting information of the article "Multidimensional Data Encoding based on Multicolor Microencapsulated Thermoresponsive Fluorescent Phase Change Materials": thermal variation of fluorescence, thermal variations of absorption spectra, electron microscopy images, differential scanning calorymetry thermograms, fluroescence image variations with temperature, temperature variations induced by electrothermal heating.
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Grup d’Electroquímica, Fotoquímica i Reactivitat Orgànica (GEFRO).
Description of methods used for collection-generation of data:
Fluoresncence measurements: data was acquired utilizing a PTI QuantaMaster 300 phosphorescence/fluorescence spectrophotometer (Horiba LTd) and the temperature was controlled using a refrigerated circulator bath (Huber MPC-K6) connected to the sample holder. The quantum yield measurements were obtained with a Hamamatsu Quantum Yield fluorometer C9920-02G using an integrating sphere.
Electron Miscropy data: SEM images were registered with FEI Quanta 650 ESEM microscope applying a 7.5 kV voltage. All the samples were sputtered with a layer about 5 nm of Pt prior to SEM imaging. Size histograms were obtained from the microscopy images using ImageJ software.
Differential scanning calorimetry measurements: data was obtained using a TA-instruments Q20. A temperature ramp rate of 10 °C min-1 was used for all the samples.
Electronic absorption measurements: Absoprtion spectras were obtained using an Agilent Cary 60 spectrorphotometer in transmission mode and their temperature was controlled with a single-cell Peltier. For solid samples, the same spectrophotometer in diffuse reflectance mode and a remote integrating sphere connected with a fiber optic cable.
Fluorescence images: Fluorescen images were obtained using a Xiamomi Redmi mobilephone and placing the required optical filters (short pass 532 SP or long pass 550 LP) in front of the camera lense. As an excitation element, a Vilber UV lamp (VL-6.LC, excitation waveelngth 365 nm, 6 W) was utilized. The chromatic descomposition and analysis of the images was done with MATLAB custome codes.
Fluorescence microscopy images: Fluorescence microscopy images were obtained using a ZeissAxio Observer Z1m inverted optical microscope equipped with a motorized XY stage, a Hglamp excitation source (HBO 103 W/2) for fluorescence imaging, an AxioCam HRc digital camera and standard filters.
Methods for processing the data:
The data was either obtained directly from the instrument software in csv format or readed analogically and writed in the notebook. All ASCII data was plotyed using Origin or MATLAB.
Instrument- or software- specific information needed to interpret the data:
Excel, Origin or MATLAB.
Instruments, calibration and standards information:
PTI QuantaMaser 300 phosphorescence/fluorescence spectrophotometer (Horiba LTd); Hamamatsu Quantum Yield fluorometer C9920-02G; Agilent Cary 60 spectrophotometer; TA-instruments Q20; FEI Quanta 650 ESEM microscope.
Environmental or experimental conditions:
Experiments conducted at atmospheric pressure and controled temperatures.