Household Survey for Evaluation of Climate Change Adaptation Project among Small Producers in Nicaragua, 2014


Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.

The Household Survey for Evaluation of Climate Change Adaptation Project among Small Producers in Nicaragua, 2014 data were collected by Oxfam GB as part of the organisation's Global Performance Framework. Under this framework, a small number of completed or mature projects are selected at random each year for an evaluation of their impact, known as an Effectiveness Review. These data were used to evaluate the impact of the project titled 'Climate Change Adaptation among Small Producers'. Beginning in 2011, the project aimed to improve small producers' understanding of the impacts of climate change and to build their capacity to adapt to any changes it causes. Households were provided with seeds and livestock, and with training and technical support. Additionally, the project facilitated the creation of local producers’ cooperatives, including women-only cooperatives in several areas. A key element of the project was to encourage experimentation and adaptation in productive activities, through the above activities and the establishment of a revolving credit fund in each cooperative. The project aimed to have impact on direct beneficiaries, but also indirectly through encouraging participants to raise awareness and share what they have learned. In late 2014, Oxfam implemented a household survey to evaluate the success of the project. The questionnaire was administered to females only, in 101 households of project participants, 76 households of indirect beneficiaries, and 328 comparison households from communities with characteristics similar to those from where the participants were selected. Quasi-experimental methods were used to evaluate the impact of the project by matching project beneficiaries with non-beneficiaries on a range of characteristics. Anonymisation: Names of respondents and contact information have been removed. Community and municipality names have been removed and replaced with codes in random order. The following variables have been recoded so as to prevent unique cases that may allow identification of the respondents: household size (capped at 11 members), age (binned in 5-year intervals), size of house (removed outliers and capped) and other visible characteristics of property (grouped land area into intervals and capped, combined categories of wall materials).

Main Topics:

Adaptation to climate change; small-scale producers in Nicaragua.

No sampling (total universe)

Purposive selection/case studies

For project participants and indirect beneficiaries, the entire population was sampled to be interviewed, though some could not be found at the time of field work. The comparison group was chosen from producers’ cooperatives in communities similar to project communities; respondents were chosen purposefully based on a variety of characteristics to obtain an appropriate counterfactual.

Face-to-face interview

Metadata Access
Creator Oxfam GB
Publisher UK Data Service
Publication Year 2016
Funding Reference Oxfam GB
Rights Copyright Oxfam GB; <p>The Data Collection is available to UK Data Service registered users subject to the <a href="" target="_blank">End User Licence Agreement</a>.</p><p>Use of the data requires approval from the data owner or their nominee.</p><p>Additional conditions of use apply:</p><p>Before publishing any study resulting from the use of the data (including online working papers, blogs, printed journals, presentations at public conferences, etc.), I agree to submit at least two weeks in advance any proposed publication to Oxfam's Programme Quality Team (, to ensure that the content referring to Oxfam is accurate.</p>
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Numeric
Discipline Economics; Social and Behavioural Sciences
Spatial Coverage Nicaragua