Doppler beaming factors in binary stars

The Doppler beaming effect, induced by the reflex motion of stars, introduces flux modulations and serves as an efficient method to photometrically determine mass functions for a large number of close binary systems, particularly those involving compact objects. In order to convert observed beaming-flux variations into a radial-velocity curve, precise determination of the beaming factor is essential. Previously, this factor was calculated as a constant, assuming a power-law profile for stellar spectra. In this study, we present a novel approach to directly compute this factor. Our new method not only simplifies the computation, especially for blue bands and cool stars, but also enables us to evaluate whether the relationship between beaming flux and radial velocity can be accurately described as linear. We develop a Python code and compute a comprehensive beaming-factor table for commonly used filter systems covering main-sequence, subgiant, and giant stars, as well as hot subdwarf and white dwarf stars. Both the code and our table are archived and publicly available on Zenodo: doi:10.5281/zenodo.13049419.

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Creator Zheng C.; Huang Y.; Liu J.; Lu Y.; Han H.; Tan Y.; Beers T.C.
Publisher CDS
Publication Year 2024
OpenAccess true
Contact CDS support team <cds-question(at)>
Resource Type Dataset; AstroObjects
Discipline Astrophysics and Astronomy; Natural Sciences; Observational Astronomy; Physics; Stellar Astronomy