Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.
The aims of this survey were: to provide information on housing policy topics and to enable a stratified sample design to be implemented for the subsequent 1993 Welsh House Condition Survey; to provide information on the Welsh language to supplement the information available from the Census of Population; to provide information on training and education to both the Welsh Office and all 7 Welsh Training and Enterprise Councils.
Main Topics:
Housing: tenure; type of accommodation; number of rooms/bedrooms; age of property; household type and characteristics; length of residence; working status of household members; council tax banding; type of landlord; rent; receipt of rebates/allowances; views on owner occupation; financing; waiting lists; use of basic amenities; energy conservation; smoke alarms; improvement activity. Private Renters: category of letting; length of time in accommodation. Welsh: ability to speak Welsh; parents' ability to speak Welsh; use of Welsh language TV/radio; reading habits (of Welsh language materials); ability to understand spoken Welsh; intentions towards learning Welsh; home language as a child; use of Welsh by situation - social and official; learning of Welsh - place started/methods used. Training and Education: education: qualifications and participation; vocational education: apprenticeships, awareness of vocational qualifications (NVQs), take-up of NVQs, levels of NVQs held; job related education and training: participation, qualification aim, training needs; attitudes towards education and training.
One-stage stratified or systematic random sample
Face-to-face interview