Raziskava o stališčih poslancev o delovanju Državnega zbora RS daje vpogled v stališča poslancev glede nekaterih temeljnih elementov parlamentarizma v sodobnih liberalnih demokracijah. Na ta način se podrobneje opazuje percepcijo predstavništva interesov, ki predstavlja eno od temeljnih komponent poslanskega mandata, prav tako pa se opazuje celoten ustroj delovanja parlamenta z delovanjem delovnih teles na čelu. Cilj raziskave je odkriti, kako poslanci ocenjujejo način delovanja Državnega zbora v danem mandatu, še posebej, kako poslanci vidijo njegovo vlogo v pogojih članstva Slovenije v EU, kakšne so njihove predstave in pričakovanja, zlasti glede na zahtevnost delovanja nacionalnega parlamenta v novih pogojih, pa tudi dejanske možnosti vplivanja na prejemanje odločitev in oblikovanje politik na ravni EU.
The survey reveals deputies’ views on the functioning of the National Assembly and gives insight into the views of members of Parliament on some fundamental elements of parliamentarism in modern liberal democracies. In this way, the perception of representation’s interests, which is one of the fundamental components of a parliamentary mandate, is in detail observed. The entire structure of the functioning of Parliament with activity of working groups at the forefront is observed as well. The survey aimed to discover how members estimate the way in which the National Assembly is functioning in a given mandate, particularly how members see its role in terms of Slovenia's EU membership, what are their ideas and expectations, particularly regarding to the complexity of the national parliament's efficiency in new conditions, but also actual possibilities of having influence on taking decisions and polilcy making at EU level.
Zajeta celotna populacijaTotalUniverseCompleteEnumeration
Total universe/Complete enumerationTotalUniverseCompleteEnumeration
Vprašalnik za samoizpolnjevanjeSelfAdministeredQuestionnaire
Self-administered questionnaireSelfAdministeredQuestionnaire