The statistics of the angle {Phi} between orbital angular momenta in hierarchical triple systems with known inner visual or astrometric orbits are studied. A correlation between apparent revolution directions proves the partial orbit alignment known from earlier works. The alignment is strong in triples with outer projected separation less than ~50au, where the average {Phi} is about 20{deg}. In contrast, outer orbits wider than 1000 au are not aligned with the inner orbits. It is established that the orbit alignment decreases with the increasing mass of the primary component. The average eccentricity of inner orbits in well-aligned triples is smaller than in randomly aligned ones. These findings highlight the role of dissipative interactions with gas in defining the orbital architecture of low-mass triple systems. On the other hand, chaotic dynamics apparently played a role in shaping more massive hierarchies. The analysis of projected configurations and triples with known inner and outer orbits indicates that the distribution of {Phi} is likely bimodal, where 80% of triples have {Phi}<70{deg} and the remaining ones are randomly aligned.
Cone search capability for table J/ApJ/844/103/table1 (Hierarchical systems with resolved inner orbit)