Water-use strategies of temperate tree species


This dataset represents the data shown in the Figures 2 - 7 of Walthert et al. (2024): Coordination between degree of isohydricity and depth of root water uptake in temperate tree species. Science of the Total Environment (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.174346). A detailed methodical description of the data can be found in the Methods section of the paper.

Abstract In an increasingly dry environment, it is crucial to understand how tree species use soil water and cope with drought. However, there is still a knowledge gap regarding the relationships between species-specific stomatal behaviour, spatial root distribution, and root water uptake (RWU) dynamics. Our study aimed to investigate above- and below-ground aspects of water use during soil drying periods in four temperate tree species that differ in stomatal behaviour: two isohydric tracheid-bearing conifers, Scots pine and Norway spruce, and two more anisohydric deciduous species, the diffuse-porous European beech, and the ring-porous Downy oak. From 2015 to 2020, soil-tree-atmosphere-continuum parameters were measured for each species in monospecific forests where trees had no access to groundwater. The hourly time series included data on air temperature, vapour pressure deficit, soil water potential, soil hydraulic conductivity, and RWU to a depth of 2 m. Analysis of drought responses included data on stem radius, leaf water potential, estimated osmotically active compounds, and drought damage. Our study reveals an inherent coordination between stomatal regulation, fine root distribution and water uptake. Compared to conifers, the more anisohydric water use of oak and beech was associated with less strict stomatal closure, greater investment in deep roots, four times higher maximum RWU, a shift of RWU to deeper soil layers as the topsoil dried, and a more pronounced soil drying below 1 m depth. Soil hydraulic conductivity started to limit RWU when values fell below 10-3 to 10-5 cm/d, depending on the soil. As drought progressed, oak and beech may also have benefited from their leaf osmoregulatory capacity, but at the cost of xylem embolism with around 50% loss of hydraulic conductivity when soil water potential dropped below -1.25 MPa. Consideration of species-specific water use is crucial for forest management and vegetation modelling to improve forest resilience to drought.

DOI https://doi.org/10.16904/envidat.524
Metadata Access https://www.envidat.ch/api/action/package_show?id=11101a77-3bca-4ee7-869d-f6068d1b4941
Creator Lorenz, Walthert,
Publisher EnviDat
Publication Year 2024
Funding Reference FOEN, 00.0365.PZI0427-0562; FOEN, 09.0064.PJ/R301-0223
Rights cc-by-sa; Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike (CC-BY-SA)
OpenAccess true
Contact envidat(at)wsl.ch
Language English
Resource Type Dataset
Version 1.0
Discipline Environmental Sciences
Spatial Coverage (7.097W, 46.115S, 7.828E, 46.347N); Switzerland
Temporal Coverage Begin 2015-01-01T00:00:00Z
Temporal Coverage End 2020-12-31T00:00:00Z