We have produced an archive of the ultraviolet low-dispersion spectra for the full set of white dwarf stars observed with the International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) satellite over the course of its 18-yr mission. This archive contains the spectra of 322 individual degenerate stars which have been processed to optimize the signal-to- noise for each star. In particular, all spectra have been corrected for residual temporal and thermal effects and placed on the Hubble Space Telescope Faint Object Spectrograph absolute flux scale using procedures described by Massa & Fitzpatrick (2000ApJS..126..517M). Wherever possible, multiple observations of individual stars have been co-added to further enhance signal-to-noise and have been combined into a single spectrum including the full 1150 to 3150{AA} wavelength region observed by IUE. The contents of this spectral archive are described and the details of data reduction procedures are provided. The electronic files of the processed spectra are available, in FITS and ASCII formats, with the associated log file, at http://vega.lpl.arizona.edu/newsips/low/
Cone search capability for table J/ApJS/147/145/table2 (White dwarfs in the Low-Dispersion IUE archive)