In the associated study [1], evolution of randomly generated bi-continuous microstructures that resemble real snow microstructures has been investigated. The control of the ambient conditions (temperature and temperature gradient) and of the physical processes at play on the rate of change of the specific surface area have been evaluated. Based on the evaluation, a new physically-informed governing law for the coarsening of microstructures has been proposed. This law accurately predicts the simulation outputs under various conditions. Furthermore, a potential parametrization of newly introduced material properties has been proposed and evaluated on snow coarsening data.
This dataset contains the parameters used for the mesh generation and the finite-element simulations. The output parameters of simulations, such as the ice fraction, surface of the ice-air interface per total volume, mean curvature and growth rate are provided.
[1]: A.Braun, K. Fourteau, S. Frei, M. Lehning, H. Löwe: Towards a physically and microstructure-based equation for the evolution of the specific surface area in snow, Journal of Glaciology, accepted for publication in 2024