Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.
The 2001 Census: Special Licence Household Sample of Anonymised Records (SL-HSAR) dataset comprises Sample of Anonymised Records (SARs) data that relate to 29 April 2001. They were created by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) as part of the 2001 Census of Population. All households were asked to complete a form giving information about the household and all individuals living in the household. Completion of the form was compulsory for the entire population. The Census schedule includes questions on housing and tenure, and demographic and socio-economic information for all household members. The dataset comprises SARs data for 1% of households in England and Wales, including imputed values for households which were not enumerated during the Census. Individual data for households larger than 11 residents have been suppressed. To protect confidentiality, age data have been grouped into 2-year bands and there is no geographical breakdown available. A small amount of perturbation has been applied to the data to protect confidentiality. As with the Individual Licensed SAR (see under SNs 7210 and 7211), separate variables indicate whether or not imputation or perturbation has been applied to any given variable for each case in the sample. Documentation, training and user support for these data is undertaken by the SARs team at the Cathie Marsh Centre for Census and Survey Research (CCSR). A further release of data, which contains additional derived variables, will be made available at a later date. The Secure Access version replaces the previous Special Licence version that was held under SN 5278, which is no longer available. Prospective users of the Secure Access data will need to fulfil additional requirements, including completion of face-to-face training and agreement to Secure Access' User Agreement and Breaches Penalties Policy, in order to obtain permission to use that version (see 'Access' section below). Detailed SARs data: A more detailed version of these data, containing geographical information at the level of Local Authority, is available as a Controlled Access Microdata Sample (CAMS). These can be accessed at all ONS sites. Applications to use these data should be made to ONS; further details can be found on their CAMS web page. The CAMS file includes data for Scotland and Northern Ireland as well as England and Wales.
Main Topics:
A full range of census topics are included in the dataset, for example household structure, ethnicity and religion, housing, transport, employment, education and health and caring.
One-stage stratified or systematic random sample