Replication data for: A selection process based on the robustness of anti-Listeria monocytogenes activity reveals two strains of Carnobacterium maltaromaticum with biopreservation properties in cheese


In this study, the anti-L. monocytogenes EGDelux properties of a collection of 77 C. maltaromaticum strains were investigated by high throughput competition assays under varying conditions of co-culture inoculation level, inoculation delay between C. maltaromaticum and L. monocytogenes, pH, and NaCl, resulting in 1309 different combinations of C. maltaromaticum strains and culture conditions. Deferred growth inhibition assays were followed by halo measurements, and liquid co-cultures were followed by colony counting. Challenge tests in Camembert and Saint-Nectaire cheese were also carried out.

Related Identifier IsCitedBy
Metadata Access
Creator Borges, Frédéric ORCID logo; Dijamentiuk, Alexis ORCID logo; Cherrat, Lamia; El Kheir, Sara; Mangavel, Cécile ORCID logo; Elfassy, Annelore; Revol-Junelles, Anne-Marie ORCID logo
Publisher Université de Lorraine
Contributor Borges, Frédéric
Publication Year 2023
Funding Reference SATT-SAYENS
Rights Etalab (CC-BY); info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Contact Borges, Frédéric (LIBio ; Université de Lorraine ; France)
Resource Type Dataset
Format type/x-r-syntax; text/plain; application/pdf; application/octet-stream
Size 1663; 1637; 3241; 777; 7825; 7191; 8664; 10214; 38597; 38784; 36016; 37907; 40618; 35132; 40195; 36792; 33776; 41480; 39316; 38595; 41296; 41467; 38210; 33792; 40386; 42409; 42954; 41885; 42440; 41898; 35100; 40815; 42582; 43130; 39331; 42551; 36379; 40628; 40508; 35486; 42610; 42635; 41465; 40170; 42295; 42161; 41841; 40867; 37111; 37045; 629; 600; 1069; 351; 301; 355; 2043; 432; 786; 528; 1227; 12677; 168560; 218; 3988
Version 2.0
Discipline Agricultural Sciences; Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture; Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture and Veterinary Medicine; Construction Engineering and Architecture; Engineering; Engineering Sciences; Life Sciences; Medicine
Spatial Coverage UR 4367 LIBio ; Université de Lorraine ; France