"Z2Z4-Additive Codes" is a package that supports the basic
facilities to work with Z2Z4-additive codes (see [1],[2]) in
Magma (see [3]). With this package, this kind of codes can be
created and manipulated and information about these codes can
be calculated.
"Z2Z4-Additive Codes" consists of five files written in the
Magma language. Please send your bug reports to Combinatorics,
Coding and Security Group (CCSG) at support.ccsg@uab.cat
or if it is a Magma problem to magma-trouble (magma@maths.usyd.
edu.au). See the section below.
"Z2Z4-Additive Codes" was originally written in Magma by Bernat
Gastón (supervised by Mercè Villanueva and Jaume Pujol) as a
support for a research project on Z2Z4-additive codes developed
by the Combinatorics, Coding and Security Group (CCSG) within
the Department of Information and Communications Engineering
(dEIC) at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB).