Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.
To examine the time taken for five major innovations (pneumatic conveying, bulk flour outloading, flour silo, short surface milling system and reverse jet filter dust collector) to diffuse throughout the flour milling industry in the United Kingdom. In addition to the time of diffusion, the study also examines characteristics of the innovations as perceived by technical managers who were in a position to influence adoption or non-adoption.
Main Topics:
Attitudinal/Behavioural Questions Whether any of the five innovations had been installed since May 1970. Whether respondent was responsible for decision, which Flour Milling Engineer was responsible for installation. Future installation plans. Rating of agreement/disagreement with 12 statements about the characteristics of the innovations applied separately to each of the five. Attitudes of adoption and non-adoption to innovations. Ranking of importance of a list of attributes of milling engineers with regard to selecting an engineer for installations. Background Variables Respondent's position in the firm. Capacity of flour mill (sacks per hour). Date of adoption.
No sampling (total universe)
Postal survey