We present extensive radial velocity observations of the intermediate polar DW Cnc during its 2018-2019 low state. We show that the 86 min signal associated with the orbital period is strong in our radial velocity analysis, power spectrum search, and in our Doppler tomography. However, we find that the velocity modulation associated with the 70 min beat period and the 38 min spin cycle is dramatically weaker than that previously observed. We put forward two interpretations for this change. The first is that a sudden drop into a low state detected in 2018-2019 caused an episode of low mass transfer from the companion, thus inhibiting the lighthouse effect produced by the rebound emission. The second is that this is a consequence of a rare outburst detected in 2007 by Crawford et al. (2008, J. Am. Assoc. Var. Star Obs., 36, 60). We find this post-outburst hypothesis to be less likely. If the first scenario is correct, we predict that DW Cnc will recover its intermediate polar characteristics. A new ephemeris is presented by combining Patterson et al. (2004PASP..116..516P) radial velocities with ours.