The dataset describes a series of small-scale physical model tests conducted to study wave overtopping, a key factor in coastal flooding, particularly in urban areas. These tests were part of the GLORIA project, which sought to develop a novel methodology for assessing the safety of urban coastal areas under the threat of rising sea levels and intensified storm activity due to climate change. The project utilised focused wave group techniques in a small-scale wave flume at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya – BarcelonaTech (UPC).
The dataset provides a detailed account of the experimental setup, instrumentation, and the range of parameters tested. This information is essential for understanding the data and for conducting further analysis and modelling of wave overtopping phenomena and focused wave groups.
The experimental tests carried out are aimed to measure the following parameters:
Free surface water elevations: η (m)
Individual maximum overtopping volume: Vmax (m3/m)
Overtopping flow velocities (m/s)
By means of the following instruments:
8 resistive Wave gauges (WG0, …, WG7) and one acoustic wave gauge (AWG0) for the free-surface water elevation measurement along the wave flume
An overtopping tank system to collect the overtopped volume
1 Ultrasonic sensor - AWG1 - on the dike top to measure the variation of water level inside the overtopping tank, then converted into overtopped volume
1 IDS UI-31800CP-M-GL video camera
CiemGen, 1.2