Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The New Europe Barometer (NEB) series, originally known as the New Democracies Barometer (NDB), has been conducted annually across Central and Eastern Europe since autumn 1991. The same questions are asked in each country and repeated from year to year, so trends can be analysed across a wide variety of post-Communist societies. Approximately 1,000 respondents in each country are interviewed face-to-face each year about their economic, political and social attitudes and behaviour. Data are available for separate years and also as a trend dataset (SN 5241). Further information on the NEB is available on the CSPP Barometer Surveys web site, along with details of other survey series.
New Europe Barometer I-XV Trend Dataset, 1991-2007 covers 15 post-Communist countries of Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union: 10 new EU member states (Czech Republic, Hungary, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Bulgaria and Romania); Croatia and Serbia; and three former Soviet Union (FSU) countries (Russia, Belarus and Ukraine). Trend data starts with the first NEB surveys in 1991. The latest trend data for most countries is from the seventh New Europe Barometer round, started in autumn 2004, with some surveys in the early part of 2005. In addition, data from New Russia Barometer surveys I (January 1992) through XV (April 2007) are included. The trend file includes 302 frequently used variables from a total of 103 NEB surveys. For the second edition (July 2010), the data and documentation were updated to include data from NEBs I-XV. This edition completely replaces the previous version.
Main Topics:
The trend file covers the following topicspoliticseconomyidentitiesinternational Relationshealthpersonal securitystandard demographics
Multi-stage stratified random sample
Face-to-face interview