Replication data for : Raw HPLC-MS data of S. pristinaespiralis wild type, the S. pristinaespiralis pathway inactivation mutant and S. virginiae and SAXS data of VirD, VirE, holoACP5b-VirC, holoACP5b-VirD, holoACP5b-VirE.


During biosynthesis by multi-modular trans-AT polyketide synthases (PKSs), polyketide structural space can be expanded by conversion of initially-formed electrophilic beta-ketones into beta-alkyl groups. These multi-step transformations are catalysed by 3-hydroxy-3-methylgluratryl synthase (HMGS) cassettes of enzymes. While mechanistic aspects of these reactions have been delineated, little information is available concerning how the cassettes select the specific polyketide intermediate(s) to target. Here we use integrative structural biology to identify the basis for substrate choice in module 5 of the virginiamycin M trans-AT PKS. Additionally, we show in vitro that module 7, at minimum, is a potential additional site for beta-methylation. Indeed, analysis by HPLC-MS coupled with isotopic labelling and pathway inactivation, identifies a metabolite bearing a second beta-methyl at the expected position. Collectively, our results demonstrate that several control mechanisms acting in concert underpin beta-branching programming. Furthermore, imperfections in this control – whether natural or by design – open up avenues for diversifying polyketide structures towards high-value derivatives.

Xcalibur, 2.1

Metadata Access
Creator Gruez, Arnaud ORCID logo; Weissman, Kira ORCID logo; Collin, Sabrina ORCID logo
Publisher Université de Lorraine
Contributor Gruez, Arnaud
Publication Year 2023
Funding Reference Agence nationale de la recherche, ANR 11 JSV8 003 01; Agence nationale de la recherche, ANR 16 CE92 0006 01; Agence nationale de la recherche, ANR 20 CE93 0002 01
Rights Etalab (CC-BY); info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Contact Gruez, Arnaud (Université de Lorraine)
Resource Type Dataset
Format application/vnd.palm; text/x-fixed-field; application/octet-stream; text/plain; image/png; application/x-spss-sav; application/x-sh
Size 89424; 121386; 38849; 53992; 3763; 188949; 39537; 1232; 9261; 2899; 575505; 258; 115; 27; 89; 45577; 19707; 25662; 16; 6584; 706094; 51; 1069; 40454; 42077; 7045; 2647; 3236; 236460; 1214082; 40449; 3201; 1017699; 9448; 25; 73134010; 73884322; 168789322; 221166554; 63546939; 61247124; 62641852; 43643156; 50188826; 45174802; 62891062; 40201860; 198467827; 46854702; 46857600; 63457919; 44183864; 62363956; 43918884; 48528638; 48971484; 62985404; 39197670; 354935997; 354509323; 360663842; 368770622; 400401413; 60606910; 60502696; 358400881; 343943510; 43416440; 42203101; 345118218; 282535; 85; 331126484; 711; 165; 78; 90; 179061; 55948; 50; 46093; 19950; 25895; 13; 11028; 924406; 11; 188952; 1234; 2900; 440559; 40471; 43160; 3600; 486811; 248355; 52735; 38096; 121977; 49006; 186660; 50913; 188961; 2915; 847631; 50637; 1230; 338966952; 363768837; 373643625; 377276666; 377908259; 381699583; 380793726; 379416935
Version 1.0
Discipline Life Sciences; Medicine