Collaborative Geo-Visual Analytics - web application prototype and statistical models


This project acknowledges that due to the ever increasing availability of geo-data and the complexity of analytical problems, the need to enable collaborative work among analysts from diverse backgrounds (e.g., domain experts, data analysts, scientist, and laypersons) is becoming more pressing and prominent. For this reason, this project aimed to address the long-standing challenge of supporting collaborative analysis in Geo-Visual Analytics (GVA) systems. This repository contains the code of a collaborative GVA prototype, and the data and code of two statistical models for the spatiotemporal dynamics of the Olive Fruit Fly in an area of interest located in the center of Andalusia, Spain. The prototype was used to experiment with collaborative analysis of the Olive Fruit Fly monitoring data and the models' outputs.

Date Submitted: 2021-02-04

Metadata Access
Creator G.A. García-Chapeton ORCID logo
Publisher DANS Data Station Physical and Technical Sciences
Contributor M Th Koelen
Publication Year 2021
Rights DANS Licence; info:eu-repo/semantics/restrictedAccess;
OpenAccess false
Contact M Th Koelen (Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation)
Resource Type Dataset
Format application/octet-stream; text/x-python; application/x-sql; text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; text/html; application/javascript; text/x-fixed-field; text/css; image/png; image/gif; image/svg+xml; text/xml; application/zip; image/jpeg; text/plain; text/markdown; text/csv; application/x-font-woff
Size 1249; 1087; 1612; 1187; 1069; 1256; 970; 862; 883; 967; 877; 993; 1220; 1074; 1264; 720; 638; 767; 845; 793; 654; 648; 610; 426; 778; 723; 657; 1568; 1310; 2188; 637; 596; 403; 1194; 1013; 1544; 1312; 1079; 1938; 733; 684; 475; 627; 590; 394; 949; 872; 776; 567; 378; 602; 406; 604; 414; 397; 2396363; 56; 45610782; 804; 166395136; 191644; 16567; 6203; 29083; 6866; 3642; 13835; 11131; 1; 14985; 2938; 6502; 3161; 372; 344; 239; 1247538; 1161402; 1315; 364; 350; 89; 887; 1246553; 8440; 1124; 701; 286; 260; 226; 257; 16106; 1193; 3546; 2962; 1007; 3530; 2959; 238; 2851; 1261; 906; 213; 2844; 49; 876; 1094; 7777; 204; 712; 6170; 26848; 2922; 943; 3128; 1005; 998; 1022; 3080; 2957; 3006; 294; 307; 2968; 1151; 1634; 1897; 3346; 532; 1012; 1171; 86; 16692; 10355; 1066; 78; 984; 6765; 7134; 302; 160; 149; 1236; 1916; 562; 1097; 1168; 1008; 1018; 997; 1315104; 818; 2875; 412; 20283; 775; 3749; 1350419; 3961; 10226; 1134; 2186; 334; 541; 1041755; 1379809; 1152554; 433; 1296250; 1024151; 1132; 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Version 1.0
Discipline Earth and Environmental Science; Environmental Research; Geosciences; Natural Sciences