Physical oceanography and hydrochemistry measured on water bottle samples during METEOR cruise M10/1


During a R.V. Meteor JGOFS-NABE cruise to a tropical site in the northeast Atlantic in spring 1989, three different vertical regimes with respect to nitrate distribution and availability within the euphotic zone were observed. Besides dramatic variations in the depth of the nitracline, a previously undescribed nose-like nitrate maximum within the euphotic zone was the most prominent feature during this study. Both the vertical structure of phytoplankton biomass and the degree of absolute and relative new production were related to the depth of the nitracline, which in turn was dependent on the occurrence/non-occurrence of the subsurface subtropical salinity maximum (Smax). The mesoscale variability of the nitracline depth, as indicated from a pre-survey grid, and published data on the frequent occurrence of the Smax in tropical waters suggest higher variability of new production and F-ratio than usually expected for oligotrophic oceans. The importance of salt fingering and double diffusion for nitrate transport into the euphotic zone is discussed.

Supplement to: Koeve, Wolfgang; Eppley, Richard W; Podewski, Sigrid; Zeitzschel, Bernt (1993): An unexpected nitrate distribution in the tropical North Atlantic at 18°N, 30°W - implications for new production. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 40(1-2), 521-536

Related Identifier IsSupplementTo
Metadata Access
Creator Koeve, Wolfgang ORCID logo; Eppley, Richard W; Podewski, Sigrid; Zeitzschel, Bernt
Publisher PANGAEA
Contributor Peinert, Rolf; Boje, Rolf; Ullrich, Sören; Karrasch, Bernhard; Passow, Uta; Jochem, Frank
Publication Year 1993
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Supplementary Dataset; Dataset
Format text/tab-separated-values
Size 3726 data points
Discipline Earth System Research
Spatial Coverage (-30.655W, 18.308S, -20.870E, 35.100N)
Temporal Coverage Begin 1989-03-26T16:46:00Z
Temporal Coverage End 1989-04-26T08:10:00Z