Giant stars in TESS continuous viewing zones

The NASA Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (NASA-TESS) mission presents a treasure trove for understanding the stars it observes and the Milky Way, in which they reside. We present a first look at the prospects for Galactic and stellar astrophysics by performing initial asteroseismic analyses of bright (G=1yr of observations in the TESS-CVZs, subject to improvements in analysis and data reduction techniques. The best quality TESS-CVZ data, for 5574 stars where pipelines returned consistent results, provide high-quality power spectra across a number of stellar evolutionary states. This makes possible studies of, for example, the asymptotic giant branch bump. Furthermore, we demonstrate that mixed l=1 modes and rotational splitting are cleanly observed in the 1-yr data set. By combining TESS-CVZ data with TESS-HERMES, SkyMapper, APOGEE, and Gaia, we demonstrate its strong potential for Galactic archaeology studies, providing good age precision and accuracy that reproduces well the age of high [{alpha}/Fe] stars and relationships between mass and kinematics from previous studies based on e.g. Kepler. Better quality astrometry and simpler target selection than the Kepler sample makes this data ideal for studies of the local star formation history and evolution of the Galactic disc. These results provide a strong case for detailed spectroscopic follow-up in the CVZs to complement that which has been (or will be) collected by current surveys.

Cone search capability for table J/MNRAS/502/1947/tabled1 (The data model of the catalogue of TESS-SCVZ targets which we release in this work)

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Metadata Access
Creator Mackereth J.T.; Miglio A.; Elsworth Y.; Mosser B.; Mathur S.; Garcia R.A.,Nardiello D.; Hall O.J.; Vrard M.; Ball W.H.; Basu S.; Beaton R.L.,Beck P.G.; Bergemann M.; Bossini D.; Casagrande L.; Campante T.L.,Chaplin W.J.; Chiappini C.; Girardi L.; Jorgensen A.C.S.; Khan S.,Montalban J.; Nielsen M.B.; Pinsonneault M.H.; Rodrigues T.S.,Serenelli A.; Silva Aguirre V.; Stello D.; Tayar J.; Teske J.,van Saders J.L.; Willett E.
Publisher CDS
Publication Year 2023
OpenAccess true
Contact CDS support team <cds-question(at)>
Resource Type Dataset; AstroObjects
Discipline Astrophysics and Astronomy; Galactic and extragalactic Astronomy; Interdisciplinary Astronomy; Natural Sciences; Observational Astronomy; Physics; Stellar Astronomy