Why are negative questions difficult to answer? On the processing of linguistic contrasts in surveys
Identifier | |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.34894/5CHDQY |
Metadata Access | https://dataverse.nl/oai?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_datacite&identifier=doi:10.34894/5CHDQY |
Provenance | |
Creator | Kamoen, Naomi; Holleman, Bregje; Mak, Pim; Sanders, Ted; Van den Bergh, Huub |
Publisher | DataverseNL |
Contributor | DataverseNL |
Publication Year | 2017 |
Rights | info:eu-repo/semantics/restrictedAccess |
OpenAccess | false |
Representation | |
Resource Type | Excel-file with materials and SPSS/MLWIN-files with data.; Dataset |
Format | application/x-spss-sav; application/octet-stream; application/pdf; application/vnd.ms-excel |
Size | 53203; 26038; 257584; 1927136; 136272; 1778984; 307772; 95232 |
Version | 5.0 |
Discipline | Humanities |