This data includes all datasets and codes for implementing spatial+ cross-validation experiments. Except for datasets (Brazil Amazon basion AGB dataset and California houseprice dataset) and code, Reademe.txt explains each file's meaning.

Date Submitted: 2023-03-28

Metadata Access
Creator Y Wang ORCID logo
Publisher DANS Data Station Physical and Technical Sciences
Contributor Y. Wang; M Khodadadzadeh (ITC, University of Twente); R Zurita-Milla (ITC, University of Twente)
Publication Year 2023
Rights CC0 1.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Contact Y. Wang (University of Twente)
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/x-python; application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet; text/csv; image/tiff; text/xml; application/octet-stream; application/dbf; audio/midi; application/vnd.mif; application/zip; text/plain; image/png
Size 5279; 2858; 1791; 17236; 17061; 4226; 2903; 4722; 1203; 4063; 6101134; 1284; 1110; 2292; 5671; 1610; 2239; 3970; 22540; 23529; 4970; 2261; 2099; 4883; 2946; 3892; 2371; 2364; 2296; 2165; 7209; 2095; 3060978; 2780; 5; 11468; 1747612; 3648419; 11364; 766; 1669; 2727; 670; 277182; 260562; 215227; 251015; 130562; 273772; 257624; 210775; 246675; 128341; 275516; 254785; 214450; 249883; 128939; 272982; 255101; 209621; 248778; 128031; 278776; 255204; 214864; 250472; 129475; 279513; 256216; 211946; 245524; 129312; 274142; 258689; 212883; 249421; 129134; 278709; 257135; 215759; 251868; 128118; 275842; 260722; 214932; 246696; 130323; 277887; 256714; 216461; 249349; 128175; 1845; 206281; 191690; 158366; 186112; 95990; 465034; 444100; 365718; 425789; 213356; 271811; 251082; 209165; 243760; 125867; 13478; 34412; 112794; 52723; 265156; 457551; 425589; 349512; 413157; 212750; 3417568; 2282443; 48089; 48040; 46793; 47982; 48090; 47921; 47717; 47916; 48058; 47757; 46524; 48025; 46739; 48015; 46557; 47690; 46554; 47821; 42883; 48080; 46696; 46706; 48126; 47867; 46767; 46738; 48092; 47985; 47883; 48065; 47880; 46883; 48050; 47844; 48069; 48242; 42706; 47837; 47917; 48071; 48005; 48112; 47846; 47936; 48072; 47864; 48051; 48034; 47860; 42524; 48099; 48044; 48019; 48107; 48066; 42793; 48248; 48124; 47862; 48010; 47852; 47829; 48221; 47855; 47811; 48045; 48150; 48261; 47845; 42554; 48055; 48098; 47836; 47796; 48079; 48026; 48133; 48041; 48177; 48096; 47854; 48057; 48117; 48276; 48083; 47850; 42696; 48047; 48210; 47885; 48246; 42739; 42738; 47820; 48004; 48082; 47870; 47826; 47830; 5651638; 48097; 48085; 48073; 48102; 48042; 48061; 48236; 47847; 48011; 47861; 47835; 42557; 47873; 48031; 42767; 47841; 48021; 48105; 58173; 57919; 57684; 58102; 57473; 57788; 57886; 57975; 58010; 57606; 58128; 57874; 57561; 57930; 57639; 57428; 1202222; 57965; 58057; 57841; 57743; 874734; 2516606; 2059260; 6478950; 956673; 296322; 195301; 174665; 274269; 6385076; 1385025; 2817752; 1606453; 5726045; 2412540; 78921; 88099; 827; 898; 8554; 1108; 6567360; 2474294; 119633; 3802696; 6135064; 2423836; 4833081; 5695336; 10162; 395657; 12196238; 28283; 50123; 22923; 50260; 28107; 50031; 28235; 50090; 50186; 49890; 28256; 50279; 50367; 50268; 28206; 50261; 50241; 50109; 28247; 50142; 50199; 49869; 28246; 50214; 49886; 28263; 50295; 50306; 50002; 28236; 50111; 50391; 50038; 28296; 50340; 50149; 49977; 28242; 50561; 50302; 50243; 20936; 394793; 28319; 50075; 23015; 50346; 28184; 49996; 28293; 49882; 50370; 50173; 28329; 49973; 50238; 50140; 28304; 50184; 50317; 50015; 28287; 50022; 50332; 28313; 50011; 50095; 49938; 50179; 50172; 50373; 28327; 50079; 50296; 50099; 28337; 50167; 49903; 28278; 49907; 50197; 50127; 20899; 395124; 28387; 50498; 23116; 50189; 50204; 28441; 50220; 50213; 28456; 50270; 50402; 50245; 28449; 50322; 50286; 50208; 28463; 50196; 50378; 50181; 28404; 50232; 50361; 50086; 28465; 49923; 50312; 50237; 28438; 50278; 50206; 50273; 28440; 50178; 50235; 50132; 28472; 50135; 50368; 50310; 21133; 395481; 28363; 49786; 23053; 28213; 49728; 28375; 50039; 50257; 49766; 28353; 50218; 49880; 49836; 28361; 49749; 49999; 49857; 28389; 50058; 50051; 28343; 49889; 50093; 49703; 28377; 49825; 49899; 28399; 49983; 50010; 28342; 50023; 50154; 49929; 28318; 50018; 21233; 395596; 28141; 50297; 22847; 50473; 28053; 50328; 28151; 50233; 50262; 50223; 28176; 50466; 50337; 28169; 50486; 50491; 50264; 28137; 50598; 50221; 50357; 28163; 50244; 50620; 50234; 28140; 50353; 50580; 50314; 28146; 50409; 50669; 28157; 50347; 50288; 28160; 50315; 50604; 50342; 20869; 395470; 28380; 50437; 22991; 50495; 28367; 50688; 50369; 50382; 28397; 50263; 50467; 28346; 50489; 50538; 50379; 28366; 50456; 50435; 28320; 50393; 50556; 50307; 28335; 50503; 50413; 50401; 28403; 50511; 50531; 50344; 28370; 50395; 50558; 50389; 28341; 50450; 50632; 21183; 395353; 28769; 49708; 23400; 50222; 28613; 49664; 28733; 50041; 49808; 28744; 49900; 50020; 49892; 28771; 49868; 50151; 28765; 50001; 49717; 28759; 50113; 50033; 49888; 28799; 49794; 49810; 49787; 28700; 49939; 49746; 49908; 49934; 50168; 49827; 28784; 50171; 50128; 50003; 21718; 394953; 28553; 50066; 23228; 28445; 50105; 28513; 49969; 28559; 50403; 49772; 28569; 50291; 50187; 50175; 28539; 49817; 28533; 50247; 50141; 50024; 28575; 50100; 50239; 28570; 50112; 49970; 28528; 50411; 49905; 28538; 50166; 50198; 50028; 21580; 394324; 28201; 49778; 22865; 49722; 28037; 49652; 28143; 49755; 49901; 49643; 28183; 49771; 49370; 28177; 49822; 49630; 49735; 28167; 49675; 49705; 28227; 49894; 49709; 49577; 28194; 49796; 49745; 49377; 28168; 49694; 49830; 49748; 28182; 49724; 49989; 49625; 28232; 49753; 49656; 20972; 395288; 28315; 50271; 22969; 50600; 28164; 50108; 28306; 50385; 50129; 28299; 50387; 28280; 50253; 50073; 28332; 50156; 50147; 28281; 50471; 50398; 28261; 50078; 50318; 28294; 50161; 50107; 28325; 50424; 50170; 28308; 50358; 50174; 20907; 6466131; 6534556; 2880005; 4729349; 2413148; 5385805; 3031197; 4396561
Version 2.0
Discipline Earth and Environmental Science; Environmental Research; Geosciences; Natural Sciences