The Asiago photographic archive has been searched for plates containing the symbiotic stars AS 210, AS 327, AX Per, BF Cyg, CI Cyg, DT Ser, EG And, GH Gem, Hen 2-442, Hen 3-1591, HM Sge, MaC 1-17, NSV 11776, Pe 2-16, Pt 1, PU Vul, RS Oph, T CrB, UV Aur, V1016 Cyg, V1329 Cyg, V352 Aql, V4018 Sgr, Wray 15-1470, and Z And. A total of 1617 good-quality plates imaging the program stars have been found and their brightness has been estimated using the Henden & Munari (2000, Cat. , 2001, Cat. , 2006, Cat. , 2008, Cat. ) UBVRcIc local photometric sequences. The results for the objects with most abundant measurements are discussed.
Cone search capability for table J/PASP/122/35/table1 (Program stars)