Galactic Bulge accreting binaries spectroscopy

We present the identification of optical counterparts to 23 GBS X-ray sources. All sources are classified as accreting binaries according to the emission-line characteristics inferred from medium-resolution spectroscopy. To distinguish accreting binaries from chromospherically active objects, we develop criteria based on H{alpha} and HeI {lambda}{lambda}5786, 6678 emission-line properties available in the literature. The spectroscopic properties and photometric variability of each object is discussed and a classification is given where possible. At least 12 of the 23 systems show an accretion-dominated optical spectrum and another 6 show stellar absorption features in addition to emission lines indicating that they are probably accreting binaries in quiescence or in a low accretion rate state. Two sources are confirmed to be eclipsing: CX207 and CX794. CX207 is likely a magnetic cataclysmic variable (CV), while CX794 is a nova-like CV in the period gap. Finally, the large broadening (2100km/s FWHM) of the H{alpha} emission lines in CX446 and CX1004 suggests that they are also high-inclination or even eclipsing systems. Whether the compact object is a white dwarf in an eclipsing CV, a neutron star or a black hole in a high-inclination low-mass X-ray binary remains to be established.

Cone search capability for table J/MNRAS/440/365/table1 (Source position and log of the VIMOS and Mosaic-II observations)

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Creator Torres M.A.P.; Jonker P.G.; Britt C.T.; Johnson C.B.; Hynes R.I.,Greiss S.; Steeghs D.; Maccarone T.J.; Ozel F.; Bassa C.; Nelemans G.
Publisher CDS
Publication Year 2015
OpenAccess true
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Resource Type Dataset; AstroObjects
Discipline Astrophysical Processes; Astrophysics and Astronomy; Exoplanet Astronomy; Interdisciplinary Astronomy; Natural Sciences; Observational Astronomy; Physics; Stellar Astronomy