Revised Bologna Catalog of M31 clusters, V.5

The dataset lists all the confirmed globular clusters (GC), all the known candidates GCs, and also all the objects that were identified as candidate GCs in the past and were subsequently recognised not to be genuine clusters, each entry being properly classified (GC, candidate GC, foreground star, background galaxy, HII region, etc.). The latter entries are maintained in the catalogue to avoid re-discoveries of objects that may look like M31 GCs and have been already classified as non-GCs. Please take into account the classification flag(s) when you use the RBC. Request for Acknowledgement: Please acknowledge the use of this catalogue. The proper reference is: Galleti S., Federici L., Bellazzini M., Fusi Pecci F., Macrina S. "2MASS NIR photometry for 693 candidate globular clusters in M31 and the Revised Bologna Catalogue (V.1.0)", Astron.&Astrophys., 2004, 416, 917 (2004A&A...416..917G) Other, more specific pubblications: * Galleti et al. 2005A&A...436..535G (addition of B514) * Galleti et al. 2006A&A...456..985G, RBC V2 (Radial velocities) * Galleti et al. 2007A&A...471..127G, RBC V3 (New candidates clusters) * Galleti et al. 2007A&A...471..127G, RBC V4 (Spectroscopic metallicity estimates)

Cone search capability for table V/143/rbc5 (Revised Bologna Catalog of M31 clusters, V.5)

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Metadata Access
Creator Galleti S.; Federici L.; Bellazzini M.; Fusi Pecci F.; Macrina S.; Buzzoni A.
Publisher CDS
Publication Year 2015
OpenAccess true
Contact CDS support team <cds-question(at)>
Resource Type Dataset; AstroObjects
Discipline Astrophysics and Astronomy; Exoplanet Astronomy; Natural Sciences; Observational Astronomy; Physics; Stellar Astronomy