Image of the municipality of Heerlen with respect to living, architecture, neatness, shopping facilities, traffic, public transport, crime, safety, culture, recreation. Involvement with city, most important problems in Heerlen / visits to local events, visits to city centre, satisfaction with visits, suggestions for improvements, evaluation of plans to improve the city centre / problems in r.'s residential quarter, satisfaction with local facilities, importance of community centre, contacts with neighbours / 'social renewal' (Sociale Vernieuwing): a government project to improve the situation of people with a social leeway, proposed target groups, expected effects for r. / making use of welfare, health, cultural, recreational and educational public facilities / evaluation of municipal services, contacts with civil servants / judgement of the communication between municipality and citizens, personal initiatives / political initiatives / political knowledge, criticism, interest in local politics, sense of political efficacy / reason for not voting at municipal elections / wishes for changes in the distribution of the council budget: r.'s priorities with respect to municipal tasks / willingness to pay for higher local taxes. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ housing situation/ household characteristics/ place of work/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ politics