Erilaiset oppijat ja oppimateriaalit verkko-opiskelussa 2002-2003
Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan verkko-opiskelijoiden ja -opettajien kokemuksia ja näkemyksiä sekä verkko-opiskelusta että oppimateriaaleista verkko-opiskelussa. Samalla tutkitaan... -
State of the Finnish News Media 2008
Tutkimuksessa kartoitettiin suomalaisten sanomalehtien sekä TV:n ja radion pääuutisten sisältöä talvikaudella 2007-2008. Viestimistä tarkastelussa mukana oli 4 aamulehteä, 2... -
Nuorisobarometri 2000
Nuorisobarometrin 2000 pääteemoina olivat internet ja tietoyhteiskunta. Lisäksi nuorilta kysyttiin muun muassa heidän tulevaisuudensuunnitelmistaan ja käsityksistään elämästä ja... -
Diaconia Barometer 2018
Diakoniabarometrit kartoittavat diakoniatyöntekijöiden kokemuksia työstään sekä näkemyksiä diakonian ajankohtaisista teemoista. Diakoniabarometrissa 2018 teemoina olivat... -
Regionale radio omroep Stad Amsterdam 1976-1978
Use and evaluation of mass-media and especially 'Stad Radio Amsterdam / interest and participation in politics / social and cultural life. Background variables: basic... -
Gebruikersonderzoek SURFnet 1995
Use of computers and computer networks by students and staff members of universities and colleges Scientific and non-scientific staff-members: having teaching tasks or not /... -
Nationaal onderzoek persmedia, 1975
Task of 'Nationaal Onderzoek Persmedia' foundation is to collect data about reading habits of Dutch population, including information about criteria for media-selection.... -
Een wereld vol nieuws 1980
As part of a large international study/ to find out if the foreign news in Dutch newspapers is influenced by prejudices or different treatment of countries also the 8 o'clock tv... -
Legitimation Strategies of Regional Organizations (LegRO)
In an era of increasing political challenges to global and regional organizations, it is crucial to understand how they claim legitimacy and how successful they are in this... -
Use of new media in 1996 : Centerdata Telepanel
This survey is part of Centerdata's Telepanel project. Telepanel consists of approx. 2000 households, surveyed weekly. Besides the Centerdatabase offers opportunities to... -
Inwoners enquete 1997 Gemeente Helmond - VSO
Omnibus survey Helmond 1997 Livability and safety / victimisation / sports activities / visiting the swimmingpool / municipal information / market at saturdays / dogs /... -
Use of new media in 1995 : Centerdata Telepanel
This survey is part of Centerdata's Telepanel project. Telepanel consists of approx. 2000 households, surveyed weekly. Besides the Centerdatabase offers opportunities to... -
Influenza vaccinatie 1992-1996
P1334d Surveys to measure the effects of campaigns for the promotion of influenza vaccination/ P1334a: questionnaires for general practitioners: organization of r's practice... -
Amsterdamse omnibus-enquête IX 1986
To improve efficiency in performance of municipal departments. Perception of Amsterdam promotion campaign / making use of public transport, image of car-attendants, public... -
Topsport in het geding 1971
Knowledge about number of amateurs in top-class sports, their background and problems coinciding with practising sport. R's parents active in sports / r practising particular... -
Inwoners enquete Eindhoven 1999 - VSO
Survey among inhabitants of Eindhoven, autumn 1999. Liveability and safety / drugs / health / events / concert hall / dogshit / satisfaction about contacts by telephone with... -
Sociaal-culturele ontwikkelingen in Nijmegen, 1997
Survey among the inhabitants of the city of Nijmegen. Whether r. parents were born in the Netherlands / nr. of years living in Nijmegen / r. ecclesiastic involvement and... -
Omnibus enquete Nieuwegein 1993 - VSO
Contacts with municipal institutions / quality of the municipal information service / maintenance of r.'s direct neighbourhood / nuisance by noise, dirt and stench / road... -
Attituden ten aanzien van Duitsland 1995
Attitudes of pupils from secondary schools towards the Germans and Germany, and towards inhabitants of the other member states of the European Community Reading newspapers,... -
Kabel tv Amsterdam 1975
Read leaflet on cable-tv / tv at home / radio at home with fm reception / reception of tv signals, radio / own aerial or collective / money spent last year on aerial / opinion...