Detailed atmospheric abundances have been calculated for a sample of A-G supergiant stars with IR fluxes and/or high galactic latitudes. HD 172481 and HD 158616 show clear indications of being post-AGB stars that have experienced third dredge-up. HD 158616 is carbon-rich while the abundance pattern of HD 172481 and its large Li enhancement gives support to the hot bottom burning scenario that explains paucity of carbon-rich stars among AGB stars. HD 172324 is very likely a hot post-AGB star that shows a strong carbon deficiency. HD 725, HD 218753 and HD 331319 also appear to be evolved objects between the red giant and the AGB. HD 9167, HD 173638 with a few exceptions, reflect solar abundances and no signs of post red giant evolution. They are most likely young massive disk supergiants. Further analysis of proto-Planetary Nebula HDE 341617 reveals that He lines show signs of velocity stratification. The emission lines have weakened considerably since 1993. The envelope expands at 19km/s relative to the star. Atmospheric abundances, evolutionary tracks and isochrones are used to estimate masses and ages of all stars in the sample.