Residents' Preferences for Land Use Mix and Development Density, Cardiff, 2000


Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.

The objectives of the project were: to measure and investigate, with the use of stated preference (SP) techniques and qualitative interviews, citizens' demands for a range of urban living solutions; to model citizens' demands for particular components of the compact city environment; to use results from SP analysis and qualitative research to gain understanding of the market for new forms of sustainable urban living; to use the results to gain an understanding of the problems and possibilities when attempting to re-engineer the residential preferences of UK citizens in favour of more sustainable forms of living environment; to interview a small number of key players in the development industry to assist understanding of the supply-side of the market.

Main Topics:

The dataset contains preference rankings and purchase prices for six sets of six residential scenarios (a total of 36 options). These scenarios comprise different combinations of the eight sets of variables: location; dwelling type; access to open space; parking provisions; land use mix; dwelling character; other residents' socio-economic characteristics; and frequency of passers-by. The file also contains responses to the administered questionnaire detailed in the coding manual (file name: SPcoding), including, household and respondent characteristics.

A natural sample of 541 potential respondents was identified from field surveys of <i>for sale</i> signs in suburban, inner urban and redeveloped dockland neighbourhoods of Cardiff. Up to four contact attempts were made. Residential movers in apartments are under-represented, particularly in redeveloped dockland areas because of security systems and gated developments. First-time buyers are also under-represented by this type of survey.

Face-to-face interview

Metadata Access
Creator Senior, M., Cardiff University, Department of City and Regional Planning; Webster, C., Cardiff University, Department of City and Regional Planning
Publisher UK Data Service
Publication Year 2001
Funding Reference Economic and Social Research Council
Rights No information recorded; <p>The Data Collection is available to UK Data Service registered users subject to the <a href="" target="_blank">End User Licence Agreement</a>.</p><p>Commercial use of the data requires approval from the data owner or their nominee. The UK Data Service will contact you.</p>
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Numeric
Discipline Economics; Environmental Research; Geosciences; Land Use; Natural Sciences; Social and Behavioural Sciences
Spatial Coverage Wales