Attitudes towards EU legislation.
Topics: attitude towards the following legal issues: recognition of judicial decisions in civil and family matters throughout the EU, equal rights of defence for accused persons throughout the EU, equal rules for asylum seekers throughout the EU, validity of decisions on asylum applications in one EU member state in all other member states, equal rights of legal immigrants and national citizens, need of some sectors of the national economy for immigrant workers, strengthened controls of entry into the EU for persons coming from non-member states; preference for decisions on the policy on prevention and fight against crime by the national government or jointly within the EU. Demography: sex; age; age at end of education; occupation; professional position; region; type of community; left-right self-placement. Additionally coded was: country; interviewer ID; weighting factor.
Einstellungen zum Rechtssystem und zu den inneren Angelegenheiten des eigenen Landes bzw. der EU.
Themen: Einstellung zur EU-weiten Harmonisierung von Gesetzen im Familienrecht, Strafrecht und Asylrecht; Einstellung zur Immigration; Einstellung zu einer zentralisierten, EU-weiten Verbrechensbekämpfung. Demographie: Geschlecht; Alter; Alter bei Beendigung der Ausbildung; Beruf; berufliche Stellung; Region; Urbanisierungsgrad; Links-Rechts-Selbsteinstufung. Zusätzlich verkodet wurde: Land; Interviewer-ID; Gewichtungsfaktor.
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