Interoperability in systems-of-systems is a difficult problem due to the abundance of data standards and formats. Current approaches to interoperability rely on hand-made adapters or methods using ontological metadata. This dataset was created to facilitate research on data-driven interoperability solutions. The data comes from a simulation of a building heating system, and the messages sent within control systems-of-systems. For more information see attached data documentation. This dataset is used as input for the thermodynamic building simulation found on Github, where it is used to get the outside temperature and corresponding timestamps. The temperature measurements were downloaded from SMHI.
Datasetet innehåller simulerad servicedata för system-av-system interoperabilitetsforskning. För mer information se bifogad dokumentation och den engelska katalogsidan. Dataset med temperaturer för termodynamisk simulering avsedd som input vid simulering gällande utomhustemperatur och tidsmarkör. Temperaturdata är nedladdad från SMHI.
Temperature data from SMHI
Temperaturdata från SMHI
Non-participant field observation
Icke-deltagande fältobservation