Monitoring the public opinion in the European Union is the mission of the Standard Eurobarometer surveys conducted on behalf of the European Commission since the early seventies at least two times a year in all member states. In the nineties the program has been complemented by small scale Flash Eurobarometer and the Central and Eastern Eurobarometer, later replaced by the Candidate Countries Eurobarometer.GENERAL TOPICS- CULTURAL AND NATIONAL IDENTITY:Attitudes towards immigrants and out-groups / National (European) prideNational vs. European identity (Feeling European) / Regional identity- INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS: Attitudes towards other EU countries / International conflicts in the next 12 monthsPersonal perception of general threats / Risk of a new world warThe role of the EU and the United States in the world / Trust in people from other countries / Understanding among EU countries (development)- LIVING CONDITIONS: The respondent's personal situation / Economic and financial situation last yearExpectations of change over the next year / The current situation in different social domains / Happiness / Life satisfaction- MEDIA, INFORMATION AND LANGUAGE: Access to Information Society Services / Frequency of media use / Knowledge of foreign languages- POLITICAL ATTITUDES: Satisfaction with democracy / Satisfaction withÿ democracy in the EUBasic attitudes towards society / (social change) / Left-right self-placementAttitudes towards society / (Anomia) / Legitimacy of political systems / Trust in Institutions- POLITICAL PARTICIPATION: Interest in politics / Frequency of political discussion / Frequency of persuading others of one's opinion- POLITICAL PARTIES: Strength of political party attachment / Party to which respondent feels close(r) toVote intention (nat. elections) / Last vote (nat. elections) / Electoral participation (EP)Vote intention (EP)- VALUES AND RELIGION: Value orientation / (Inglehart Items) / Education goalsSocial and political values / Religious denomination / Church attendanceImportance of religion / Religiosity- EUROPEAN UNION TOPICS: European Unification / Attitudes towards the unification of Western Europe /Attitudes towards the membership in the European Community (European Union) /The feeling that one's country has benefited from being a member of the European Community (European Union) / Attitudes if the Common Market had been scrappedActual and preferred European unification speed / Attitudes towards a European Government (Political Union) / Interest in European Community (European Union) politics / Feeling informed about EU / Importance of European Community (European Union) matters for the future / Personal meaning of the European UnionPersonal European Union image (positive/negative)- EUROPEAN INSTITUTIONS:Awareness of the European Parliament in the media / Impression of the European Parliament as a result of what has been read or heard / Importance of the European Parliament's role in the life of the European Community (European Union) / Desired future role of the European Parliament / Attitudes towards a future European Government responsible to the European Parliament / Awareness of the European Commission in the media / Impression of the European Commission as a result of what has been read or heard / EU Presidency: awareness / EU Presidency: importance / Trust in European Institutions- EUROPEAN SINGLE MARKET: Awareness of the Single European Market in the media / The Single European Market - a good thing / Awareness of the Single European Market - hope or fear / Common European Currency (for / against)- EUROPEAN POLICIES: Common policy areas (national/EU decision level) / The adoption of the European Community (European Union) charter of fundamental social rights - a good thing ?- DEMOGRAPHICS: Respondent / Age / Age when finished full time education / Marital status / Membership: political party / Membership: trade union / Occupation of respondentSex / Subjective social class / National provenance- HOUSEHOLD VARIABLES:Head of household / MIE / Household composition: children (age groups)Household composition: size / Household income / Membership: trade unionOccupation of head of household / MIE / Ownership of durables in householdFixed/mobile telephone- REGION: Region (NUTS 1 / NUTS 2) / Size of community / Type of community