Analyzing short-term accommodation platforms' influence on the housing afford...
In the last decade, the housing markets of most major globalized urban destinations have progressively deteriorated, evidenced by a decrease in the availability and... -
PLUS.WP5 Platform Cooperativism Conceptualization
Language of the dataset: English, Catalan Abstract: This dataset frames the role of cooperatives as a potential alternative business model for the platform economy. It contains... -
Bibliometric Analysis Dataset - Impact of AI in the banking industry
The data collected in this dataset is the source of a bibliometric analysis that assesses the impact of Artificial Intelligence in the banking sector and further research in... -
Visualización del compromiso con la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa de las...
Este dataset contiene el análisis de las páginas webs de 50 agencias de comunicación y relaciones públicas que operan en España a partir del ranking de El Publicista (2022). El... -
Four Thesaurus Brand Personality Dictionaries
This study presents a new BP dictionary that aiding in including most of the items that may be of prominent relevancy to various studies and still within the five personality... -
Engineering prompts for codifying students’ prompt structure and understandin...
This repository contains two engineering prompts. The first prompt is designed to formalize the structure used by students in a classroom activity, while the second prompt aims... -
Supplemental Data of: The short-run relationship between inequality and growt...
This dataset is the basis of the work titled “The short-run relationship between inequality and growth: evidence from OECD regions during the Great Recession”, published in... -
Replication data for: Changes in the concentration of the larger cooperatives...
This dataset contains information on the 300 largest cooperatives worldwide, as reported by the World Cooperative Monitor (WCM). The data is sourced from the WCM annual reports,... -
PLUS.WP5 Cooperative Pilots
This data set will include data from the testing of the PLUS project “Charter of Digital Worker Rights” presented in the deliverable“D5.1 Charter of Digital Worker Rights”. The... -
Presencia y actividad de las universidades en redes sociales
Los datos recopilan el volumen de presencia y actividad de las 70 universidades top-ranked en Facebook, Twitter y LinkedIn -
Replication data for Perceived HRM (Human Resource Management) - Health centers
Data for analyzing the mediating role of organizational trust and work satisfaction in the relationship between HRM organizational practices and employees’ organizational... -
Replication Data for: A reinforcement learning framework for improving parkin...
Replication package for “A reinforcement learning framework for improving parking decisions in last-mile delivery”. Abstract: "This study leverages simulation-optimisation with... -
2027-11-13 - NIDA Wisdom Repository - CoreTrustSeal Requirements 2020-2022
CoreTrustSeal certification -
Needs assessment regarding role fulfilment of nursing teamleaders
This dataset contains the transcripts of 49 semi-structured interviews with nursing teamleaders (n=23) and the nurses in their teams (n=29), regarding the way in which... -
Replication Data for: The Value of Leadership: Evidence from a Large-Scale Fi...
This is the replication data package for the paper: Englmaier, F., Grimm, S., Grothe, D., Schindler, D., & Schudy, S. (2024). The value of leadership: Evidence from a... -
Project Onderwijs en Arbeidsmarkt tot 2020
Deze dataset bevat het statische bronbestand 2015 van de tabellen uit het ArbeidsmarktInformatieSysteem (AIS) van ROA. In het Relationveld vindt u een link naar de online... -
GDL Area database 3.0.0
The GDL Area Database (www.globaldatalab.org/areadata) presents socioeconomic, health, and demographic development indicators at the level of sub-national areas (provinces,... -
Arbeidsvraagpanel 1989 t/m 2016 - Aanvulling Pakket I
Het Arbeidsvraagpanel is een vragenlijstonderzoek onder vestigingen van werkgevers in Nederland. Het bestaat sinds 1989. Sindsdien worden iedere twee jaar opnieuw werkgevers... -
MFS II Joint Evaluations - Indonesia 2012-2014
This research is part of the joint MFS II evaluations of development interventions which involved 8 evaluations at country level, including Indonesia. MFS... -
Replication Data for: The governance of gig platform organizations in develop...
The research focuses on local ride-hailing platform organizations in sub-Saharan Africa and it explores the governance mechanisms they deployed to address the institutional...