This dataset is a subset of the Zurich Project on the Social Development from Childhood to Adulthood (z-proso), serving to conduct the analyses presented in this associated publication. Z-proso provides rich longitudinal data from a representative sample of 1,675 adolescents from Zurich, Switzerland.
Publication abstract:
The research in the publication at hand served to test whether frequently hanging out with peers has effects on decision making cognition beyond the situation:
It is well-established that unstructured unsupervised socializing with peers (UUS) motivates deviance while in that specific context. In this article, we extend this situational view by arguing that repeated UUS may also gradually shape adolescents’ norms and decision making beyond the situation. Specifically, we argue that UUS promotes short-term mindsets, i.e., an increased focus on present rewards at the expense of considering future consequences. We test this hypothesis with fixed-effects models, using longitudinal data from a representative sample of 1,675 adolescents from Zurich, Switzerland. Consistent with our preregistered predictions, more frequent UUS is associated with increased short-term mindsets. Thus, our finding suggests that the effects of UUS on later deviance might be driven by becoming more present-oriented. This link offers new insights into the developmental pathways toward adolescent delinquency and offers a potential target for intervention.
All files provided in this publication package may be freely downloaded by anyone. In case of reuse of the data, credits must be given to the data owners (prof. Manuel Eisner; dr. Denis Ribeaud), and referred to the original article at hand.