The SUK training corpus contains about 1 million tokens manually annotated on the levels of tokenisation, sentence segmentation, morphosyntactic tagging, and lemmatisation, with some parts also containing further manually verified annotations. The morphosyntactic tags and (where present) syntactic dependencies are included both in the JOS/MULTEXT-East framework, as well as in the framework of Universal Dependencies.
The corpus is composed of several parts:
* ssj500k-syn (200,320 words): the syntactically annotated part of the updated ssj500k corpus 2.3 (, contains also named entity, verbal multiword expression and semantic
role label annotations;
* ssj500k-tag (299,927 words): the PoS tagged part of the updated ssj500k corpus 2.3 (, contains also verbal multiword expressions annotations;
* Ambiga (13,929 words): this corpus has been constructed to contain many potentially lemma/PoS ambiguous words in order to help in the training of taggers and lemmatizers
* ElexisWSD (27,091 words): the Slovenian part of the "Parallel sense-annotated corpus ELEXIS-WSD 1.0" ( with manually checked lemmatisation, PoS tagging, and syntactic parses; contains also named entity and semantic role label annotations;
* SentiCoref (340,401 words): the "Slovene corpus for aspect-based sentiment analysis - SentiCoref 1.0" ( with manually checked lemmatisation and PoS tagging; contains also named entity and coreference chain annotation.
The annotations follow:
(1) the MULTEXT-East V6 morphosyntactic specifications for Slovene,,
(2) the JOS dependency schema,,
(3) the Universal Dependencies morphosyntactic specifications and syntactic dependencies for Slovene-SSJ,,
(4) the Janes annotation guidelines for Slovenian named entities,,
(5) the Guidelines of the PARSEME shared task on verbal multiword expressions,
The vocabulary of (1) is provided in the back element and (3)-(5) as taxonomies in the teiHeader of the TEI encoded corpus. The semantic role labels are also documented in the teiHeader.
This version of the training corpus contains updated Universal Dependencies annotations which were transferred from the newest 2.14 version of the SSJ-UD corpus, corresponding to the ssj500k-syn and ElexisWSD subcorpora. Only these two parts of the SUK corpus were modified, with 3.467 tokens now featuring improved UD part-of-speech, UD feature and UD syntactic relation annotations.