PolEval 2019 Task 2: Lemmatization of proper names and multi-word phrases — t...
The task consists in developing a tool for lemmatization of proper names and multi-word phrases. The generated lemmas should follow the KPWr guidelines... -
KPWr dump r240
Dump of the Polish Corpus of Wrocław University of Technology (KPWr) containing a set of documents annotated with named entities and keywords. -
Wikipedia Infobox Mapping PL
Mapping between infobox attributes used in Polish Wikipedia and KPWr named entity schema. -
Extended dictionary of named entities NELexicon connected with Linked Open Data
This resource contains Polish named entities connected with terminology from available resources within Linked Open Data (e.g. WordNet, DBPedia, Wikipedia, etc.). -
Mapping between named entities types, SUMO catagories and plWordNet synsets -
KPWr annotation guidelines - named entity and phrase lemmatization 2.0
Guidelines for named entity and multi-word phrase lemmatization used in in KPWr (Polish Corpus of Wrocław University of Technology). -
PolEval 2019 Task 2: Lemmatization of proper names and multi-word phrases — t...
The task consists in developing a tool for the lemmatization of proper names and multi-word phrases. The generated lemmas should follow the KPWr guidelines... -
Liner2.6 model NER NKJP
Liner2.6 NER NKJP model The package contains a pre-trained Liner2 (https://github.com/CLARIN-PL/Liner2) model for recognition named entities according to NKJP guidelines. The... -
Brand-Product Relation Extraction Corpora
Brand-Product Relation Extraction Using Heterogeneous Vector SpaceRepresentations, Janz, A., Piasecki, M., Kopociński, Ł., Pluwak, A. -
KPWr annotation guidelines - named entities
Named entities annotation guidelines describing the process of manual annotation of documents in Polish Corpus of Wrocław University of Technology (KPWr) -
KPWr n82 NER model (on Polish RoBERTa base)
The named entity recognition model for fine-grained categories of entities (82 types) was trained on the KPWr corpus using Polish RoBERTa base language model. Details can be... -
Training corpus SETimes.SR 1.0
The SETimes.SR training corpus contains 86 726 tokens manually annotated on the levels of tokenisation, sentence segmentation, morphosyntactic tagging, lemmatisation, syntactic... -
Training corpus ssj500k 2.3
The ssj500k training corpus contains about 500,000 tokens manually annotated on the levels of tokenisation, sentence segmentation, morphosyntactic tagging, and lemmatisation.... -
Twitter corpus Janes-Tweet 1.0
Janes-Tweet is an annotated corpus of almost 10 million tweets posted from 2013-06 to 2017-06 by approx. 9,000 users that tweet mostly in Slovene. The corpus is structured into... -
News comment corpus Janes-News 1.0
Janes-News is an annotated corpus of comments on online news articles from websites rtvslo.si, mladina.si, and reporter.si from the period 2007-03 to 2015-01. The corpus is... -
Forum corpus Janes-Forum 1.0
Janes-Forum is an annotated corpus of Slovene forums from websites med.over.net, avtomobilizem.com, and kvarkadabra.net from the period 2001-02 to 2015-01. The corpus is... -
Serbian Twitter training corpus ReLDI-NormTagNER-sr 3.0
ReLDI-NormTagNER-sr 3.0 is a manually annotated corpus of Serbian tweets. It is meant as a gold-standard training and testing dataset for tokenisation, sentence segmentation,... -
Croatian parliamentary corpus ParlaMeter-hr 1.0
The ParlaMeter-hr corpus contains minutes of the National Assembly of the Republic of Croatia and currently covers its VIth mandate (2016-11-15 - 2018-11-21). The corpus... -
Training corpus SUK 1.0
The SUK training corpus contains about 1 million tokens manually annotated on the levels of tokenisation, sentence segmentation, morphosyntactic tagging, and lemmatisation, with... -
Training corpus hr500k 1.0
The hr500k training corpus contains about 500,000 tokens manually annotated on the levels of tokenisation, sentence segmentation, morphosyntactic tagging, lemmatisation and...