Array of Ocean Bottom Tilt Current Meters: data from the EMSO-Azores observat...
This dataset contains current data acquired between june 2021 and June 2022 using 5 TCM-3 Ocean Bottom Tilt Current Meters installed next to the Tour Eiffel, Montségur and... -
CHEMINI total dissolved iron concentrations from the EMSO-Azores observatory,...
This dataset contains dissolved iron concentrations ((Fe(II) + Fe(III); µmol/l) acquired between Septembre 2020 and November 2020 (n=90) using the CHEMINI Fe, a CHEmical... -
Seafloor pressure data from two SBE53 pressure gauges on EMSO-Azores observat...
This dataset contains seafloor pressure data acquired in the framework of EMSO-Azores observatory between September 2016 and July 2017 using a SBE53 pressure gauges deployed on... -
Seafloor pressure data from two SBE53 pressure gauges on EMSO-Azores observat...
This dataset contains seafloor pressure data acquired in the framework of EMSO-Azores observatory between June 2019 and September 2020 using SBE53 pressure gauges deployed on... -
Seafloor pressure data from two SBE53 pressure gauges on EMSO-Azores observat...
This dataset contains seafloor pressure data acquired in the framework of EMSO-Azores observatory between August 2018 and June 2019 using a SBE53 pressure gauges deployed on two... -
Array of Ocean Bottom Tilt Current Meters: data from the EMSO-Azores observat...
This dataset contains current data acquired between july 2019 and June 2021 using 6 TCM-3 Ocean Bottom Tilt Current Meters installed next to the Tour Eiffel, Montségur and... -
Array of Ocean Bottom Tilt Current Meters: data from the EMSO-Azores observat...
This dataset contains current data acquired between Auguest 2018 and June 2019 using 3 TCM3 Ocean Bottom Tilt Current Meters installed next to the Tour Eiffel, Montségur and... -
Array of Ocean Bottom Tilt Current Meters: data from the EMSO-Azores observat...
This dataset contains current data acquired between September 2016 and July 2017 using 2 TCM3 Ocean Bottom Tilt Current Meters installed next to the Tour Eiffel and Montségur... -
French PIRATA cruises: LADCP data (and processing protocol)
L-ADCP (Lowered-Acosutic Doppler Current Profiler) data were collected during CTD profiles with dual mounted L-ADCP in the Gulf of Guinea during cruises carried out from 2005 in... -
Globe (GLobal Oceanographic Bathymetry Explorer) Software
GLOBE (GLobal Oceanographic Bathymetry Explorer) is an innovative application for processing and displaying oceanographic data. GLOBE offers processing and display solutions of... -
Array of Ocean Bottom Tilt Current Meters: data from the EMSO-Azores observat...
This dataset contains current data acquired between July 2017 and August 2018 using 3 TCM3 Ocean Bottom Tilt Current Meters installed next to the Tour Eiffel, Montségur and... -
French PIRATA cruises: MOORING ADCP data
Velocity profiles (surface to 300m depth) were obtained from three subsurface ADCP moorings deployed in the Gulf of Guinea during cruises carried out from 2001 in the framework... -
French PIRATA cruises: CTD-O2 data
CTD-O2 (Conducticity-Temperature-Depth-Oxygen) data were collected with a SEA-BIRD SBE911+ (SBE19 for FR6-8) CTD in the Gulf of Guinea during cruises carried out from 1997 in... -
Meteorological unit data from the EMSO-Azores observatory, 2015-2016
This dataset contains the meteorological parameters (mean wind speed, temperature in °C and atmospheric pressure in mbar) acquired between April 2015 and September 2016 using... -
Meteorological unit 1 data from the EMSO-Azores observatory, 2016-2017
This dataset contains the meteorological parameters (mean wind speed, temperature in °C and atmospheric pressure in mbar) acquired since September 2016 using the Furuno Rowind+,... -
French PIRATA cruises: S-ADCP data
Measurements of the two horizontal components of the currents were collected with the Ship-mounted Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (S-ADCP) in the Gulf of Guinea during... -
Meteorological data from the EMSO-Azores observatory, 2013-2014
This dataset contains the meteorological parameters (mean wind speed, temperature in °C and atmospheric pressure in mbar) acquired between Jannuary 2012 and December 2012... -
Meteorological data from the EMSO-Azores observatory, 2010-2011
This dataset contains the meteorological parameters (mean wind speed, temperature in °C and atmospheric pressure in mbar) acquired between October 2010 and December 2010 (n=332)... -
Meteorological data from the EMSO-Azores observatory, 2011-2012
This dataset contains the meteorological parameters (mean wind speed, temperature in °C and atmospheric pressure in mbar) acquired between Jannuary 2011 and December 2011... -
Meteorological data from the EMSO-Azores observatory, 2012-2013
This dataset contains the meteorological parameters (mean wind speed, temperature in °C and atmospheric pressure in mbar) acquired between Jannuary 2012 and December 2012...